Translations:Comenzi uzuale:Vehicule/3/en

De la B-Zone Wiki
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When selecting a vehicle from the list, the server provides you with a series of options to help you manage your vehicle. Options:

  • Information - You will be shown information such as: model type, price, colours, odometer, insurance policies, cost of an insurance policy.
  • Locate - A checkpoint will be set on the vehicle's location.
  • Two - Your vehicle will be respawned where it was previously parked. This service costs $10.
  • Spawn/Despawn - Using this option, you can make your vehicle temporarily appear/disappear from the server.
  • Debug - This option is used when your vehicles has been parked inappropriately an cannot be used (example: inside a wall, in the water). The vehicle will be parked in a safe area. Afterwards, use the locating service to find your vehicle.
  • Sell - You can sell your vehicle to the Dealership if you are close enough to it.

By default, a player has 4 vehicle slots, but additional ones can be bought from the Shop.