Businesses: Clubs & Bars

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English • ‎Română
Interior of a nighclub - Alhambra, Los Santos
Map of clubs and bars

General Characteristics

Clubs constitute the most important element of the nightlife on the B-Zone RPG server. They are used for all kinds of occasions: anniversary parties, events, contests and solely for fun. Also, they each feature a bar, selling a wide variety of alcoholic beverages and refreshments and boasting non-stop music, using different in-game radio stations. The clubs are private business, so there will always be an entrance fee set by the owner.

Beverages available at the bar

When buying these products, your health points (HP) will increase. Alcoholic beverages can lead to a state of ebriety.
1. Alcoholic beverages:

  • Beer - $12
  • Wine - $21
  • Vodka - $30
  • Whiskey - $38

2. Non-alcoholic beverages (refreshments):

  • Water - $30
  • Soda - $30
  • Sprunk (fictitious beverage in San Andreas) - $23
  • Coffee - $23

Types of clubs and bars

  • Alhambra - Los Santos (marked on the map with icon #1)
  • Jizzy Las Venturas - Las Venturas (marked on the map with icon #1)
  • Jizzy San Fierro - San Fierro (marked on the map with icon #1)
  • Pig Pen - Los Santos (marked on the map with icon #2)
  • The Big Spread Ranch - Las Venturas (marked on the map with icon #2)

Specific Commands


Using this command, you can purchase drinks from a bar.
It has to be followed by the name of your desired beverage.
Example: /drink water (to buy water)
Example: /drink Vodka (to buy vodka)
You also have to be near the bar itself, inside the club, for this command to work.
To view all the available drinks and their names, use simply /drink. Due to consuming alcoholic beverages, the camera will shift chaotically and you will find it difficult to drive a vehicle.

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