Useful Commands: Businesses

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Versiunea din 17 iulie 2023 12:53; autor: Madalin (Discuție | contribuții)

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Informative text
/shareholders command's interface

General Characteristics

  • To learn every command related to businesses, whose explanation resides in this page, you can use the in-game command "/businesshelp".
  • Find more information about businesses on our page dedicated to Businesses.



Using this command, a business owner can enable a radio or YouTube stream in its interior. When inside the building, players listen to the radio station or YouTube soundtrack set by the owner. When using /bizradio in a business not owned by you, you can toggle the audio streams on and off. Moreover, the stream can be stopped by the owner via the same command.


The /enter command is commonly used to enter buildings, in this case, houses. It is successfully executed (meaning you manage to enter the house) only if you are close enough to the door. For a quicker access, you can use its equivalent, the F key.


The /exit command is commonly used to exit buildings, in this case, houses. It is successfully executed (meaning you manage to exit the house) only if you are close enough to the door. For a quicker access, you can use its equivalent, the F key.


­After using this command, you will transfer a share of the business to the state, with the only money you will receive being those located in the business's safe, in case it's not empty.


After using this command, you will be able to see who the shareholders are of a specific business.


­After using this command, you will be able to see information about the vault of a business and the minimum value at which it can be sold.


It is used to withdraw from the business's safe money collected from the entrance tax.
To see how much money you have stored in your safe, simply use /bizwithdraw, without specifying anything.
If you wish to take some money out of the safe, follow this template: "/bizwithdraw 500", where $500 is amount withdrawn from the safe.
For a successful execution, you must be inside the business and as close as possible to the front door.





This command is not dependent on your position, you can use it from anywhere, as long as you are a business owner.
When typed in, the server displays some information about your business:

  • Business Level.
  • Entrance fee value.
  • Total income.
  • Minimum value at which the business can be sold.
  • Percentage of shares you own in a particular business.
  • Business production based on the owned shares.


To use the command, you must be the owner of a rent (car, bike, airplane) business, and using this command you will be able to manage your owned cars and also buy new vehicles within the business if you have not reached the limit of 10 vehicles imposed by the server.


Using the command /arenas you can see whether or not the arenas available on the RPG servers are occupied.


Using the command /help -> Businesses you can find all the information presented above directly in the game.

Similar Pages

• Businesses - General Presentation
• Houses - General Presentation
• Houses - Useful Commands