Alte sisteme:Waruri/en: Diferență între versiuni

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War-urile sunt confruntarile dintre ganguri, în urma cărora se poate câstiga respect și supremație.  
Wars are armed confrontations between gangs which may result in the gain of turfs, respect or supremacy.  
= Classic Wars =
= Desfășurare și informații =
== Development and information ==
*Durata unui war este de 30 de minute, iar numărul maxim de war-uri ce se pot desfășura pe zi într-un gang este de 4.  
* A war lasts for 30 minutes and the maximum number of wars a gang can take part in daily is 4.
*Pe toată durata unui war, membrii unui gang au datoria de a ucide cât mai mulți adversari sau de a domina zona pentru a-și îndeplini scopul, acela de a câstiga teritoriul pentru care se luptă.
* During the entire war, gang members have the duty of killing as many enemies as possible or to maintain supremacy over the area, so they can earn points and ultimately win the turf.
*Fiecare war se desfășoară în alt virtual world decât cel în care se află ceilalți jucători pentru ca warurile să nu fie influențate.
* Wars are being held inside a different virtual-world than the one normal users play in, so they won't be influenced.  
*Gangsterii reușesc să-și anihileze adversarii folosindu-se de arme precum: Desert Eagle (Deagle), M4, AK47, Rifle, TEC-9 și Combat Shotgun.  
* Gangsters must destroy their adversaries by using weapons such as: Desert Eagle (Deagle), M4, AK47, Rifle, TEC-9 and Combat Shotgun.  
*Odată intrați pe teritoriul de război cu mașina gangului din care provin, gangsterii au la dispoziție 10 secunde să-și poziționeze mașinile favorabil, urmând ca după aceste 10 secunde să fie dați jos automat din vehicul în cazul în care nu au coborât deja.
* Once having entered the turfs with their gang's vehicle, gangsters have 10 seconds to position them favourably. After the 10 seconds have elapsed, the players will be kicked out of their vehicles, if they haven't already exited them.
*De asemenea, odată intrat pe turf, un gangster nu mai poate intra sub nicun fel în vehicul.
* Once a gangster leaves the turf, he will still be considered on the turf for a few seconds.
*Un război de 30 de minute se desfășoară de-a lungul a 15 runde.
* Moreover, gang members cannot enter vehicles that are on the turf.
*Pentru ca un gang să câștige warul, acesta trebuie să domine cel puțin 8 runde.
* A 30-minute war spans over 15 rounds.
*Pentru a câștiga o rundă, gangul trebuie să obțină un punctaj mai mare decât al celuilalt, în runda curentă.
* For a gang to win the war, they must have been victorious in at least 8 rounds.
*În cazul în care ambele ganguri reușesc să obțină un punctaj egal, gangul care apără teritoriul va câștiga runda.
* To win a round, a gang must have a higher score than the others.
*La sfarșitul fiecărui război se calculează scorul celui mai bun gangster din echipa câștigătorilor și celui mai slab jucător din echipa învinșilor.
* If both gangs have the same score, the one defending the turf wins the round.
*Warurile au loc pe serverele B-Zone RPG în fiecare luni, marți, miercuri, joi și vineri între orele 20:00-22:00. În timpul verii, warurile se poartă între orele 13:00-15:00.
* At the end of every war, it is calculated the best score amongst the winners and the worst score amongst the losers.
*Atunci când un gang are un război, membrii respectivelor ganguri vor vedea pe harta jocului teritoriul pentru care se ține războiu, oscilând între culoarea gangului ofensiv și culoarea gangului defensiv (pentru vizualizarea teritoriilor se folosește comanda /turfs).
* On B-Zone's RPG servers, the wars take place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, from 20:00 to 22:00 (RO, GMT+2). During the summer, the wars are held between 13:00 and 15:00 (RO, GMT+2).
*Nu se poate folosi elicopterul gangului în timpul războiului, ci doar vehicule terestre.
* When a gang fights a war, its members can observe on their map the disputed turf switching colours between the attacker's and the defendant's (to see turfs on the map, use /turfs in-game).
*Fiecare gang are obligația de a asculta indicațiile liderului și subliderilor facțiunii.
* During wartime, only personal or mafia-owned ground vehicles may be used. Exception: Journey, Mr.Whoopee, Coach, Hotdog, Packer, Bus, DFT-30 and Duneride.
* Every gang member must follow their leader's and subleader's instructions.
== Distributing weapons ==
* Gangsters must have the job '''''[[Joburi:Arms_Dealer|Arms Dealer]]''''' when they fight in a war.
* Gangsters are required to create weapons for team-mates when requested.
* To sell weapons, use /sellgun.
* To be able to sell weapons, gang members need materials.
* There are two commands which control the gang's materials safe: ''/fput materials'' and ''/fget materials''.
* Learn more about materials on our page dedicated to the [[Joburi:Arms_Dealer|Arms Dealer]] job.
=Distribuirea armelor=
*Gangsterii sunt obligați să dețină jobul '''''[[Joburi:Arms_Dealer|Arms Dealer]]''''' atunci când au un război activ.
*Gangsterii sunt obligați să ofere arme coechipierilor la cerere.
*Pentru a vinde arme, se folosește comanda /sellgun.
*Pentru ca vinderea armelor să fie posibilă, gangsterii au nevoie de materiale.
*Există comanda ''/fput materials'' respectiv ''/fget materials'' pentru controlul seifului de materiale al gangului.
*Aflați mai multe detalii despre materiale accesând pagina jobului [[Joburi:Arms_Dealer|Arms Dealer]].
== Weapons based on rank ==
[[File:Ordermats.png|thumb|500px|rank-based order packages]]
* Rank 1: The command available to use is /order 1, which provides a Deagle.
* Rank 2: The command available to use is /order 2, which provides a Deagle and a M4.
* Rank 3: The command available to use is /order 3, which provides a Deagle, a M4 and a Country Rifle.
* Rank 4: The command available to use is /order 4, which provides a Deagle, a M4, a TEC-9, a Combat Shotgun and a Country Rifle.
''Note: The '''/order''' command is available only inside the HQ, house or Clan HQ.''
=Arme în funcție de rang=
== Drugs ==
* Rang 1: Comanda disponibilă este /order 1 și oferă arma Deagle.
If a gangster runs low on health, they can use drugs to replenish it. Based on their type, drugs can be classified as follows:
* Rang 2: Comanda disponibilă este /order 2 și oferă armele Deagle și AK47.
# Marijuana - executing ''/usedrugs marijuana'' consumes 12 grams of drugs. This substance gives the player 5HP, but also 2% addiction and possible side effects such as dizziness.
* Rang 4: Comanda disponibilă este /order 3 și oferă armele Deagle, AK47, Tec9 și Combat Shotgun.
# Cocaine - it can be consumed through ''/usedrugs cocaine''. 18 grams are deducted off your total drug amount. You will receive 20HP, but also 4% addiction and possible side effects such as dizziness.
* Rang 6: Comanda disponibilă este /order 4 și oferă armele Deagle, AK47, Tec9, Combat Shotgun și Country Rifle.
# Ecstasy - it can be used through ''/usedrugs ecstasy''. 26 grams of drugs will get consumed. It gives out 50HP and 10% addiction. Unlike other drugs, it has an unusual side effect: the character will fall to the ground for 10 seconds. Meanwhile, it is useless to try /stopanim.
''Notă: Comanda '''/order''' este accesibilă numai în interiorul HQ-ului.''
# Meth or methamphetamine - this is the strongest of all, but also the most useful. Typing in ''/usedrugs meth'' will take 38 grams off your total. The player get 100% HP, 20% addiction and becomes motionless for 20 seconds.
''Note 1: To control the gang's drugs safe, the commands ''/fput drugs'' and ''/fget drugs'' are available.''<br />
''Note 2: This addiction level can be lowered at Los Santos' Hospital, by using /rehab.'' <br />
''Note 3: Learn more about this by visiting our page dedicated to [[Alte_sisteme:Droguri|Drugs]].''
== Top Gangs ==
* Each month turfs get reset in the last Saturday of that month and the first two gangs with the most turfs will be awarded gold, like so:
** 1st place will get '''10440 Gold''' that will be divided automatically between the rank 1-6 members of that faction, leader included.
** 2nd place will get '''7800 Gold''' that will be divided the same.
* In case of a draw the departure will be made depending on the number of wars won, and if it is a tie even then, the winner will get picked randomly.
= Droguri =
== Commands commonly used in times of war ==
În cazul în care un gangster rămâne fără viață, el poate folosi droguri pentru a și-o recăpăta. În funcție de importanța lor, drogurile se clasifică astfel:
# Marijuana - folosind comanda ''/usedrugs marijuana'' se vor consuma 2 grame din totalul de droguri pe care le deține. Acest drog oferă gangsterului 5 HP, însă și 2% dependență sau efecte secundare precum amețeală.
# Cocaine - Un jucător poate folosi acest drog tastând comanda ''/usedrugs cocaine''. Va consuma 4 grame din totalul de droguri pe care îl deține, va primi 20 HP, însă și 4% dependență sau efecte secundare precum amețeală.
# Ecstasy - Acest drog poate fi folosit utilizând comanda ''/usedrugs ecstasy''. Se vor consuma 8 grame din totalul de droguri deținut, iar jucătorul va primi 50 HP. Spre deosebire de celelalte droguri, acesta oferă 10% dependență și un efect secundar neobișnuit. Odată folosit acest drog caracterul va cădea la pământ automat pentru 10 secunde. În acest timp comanda /stopanim este inutilă.
# Meth sau metamfetamină - Acest drog este cel mai puternic, însă și cel mai de folos datorită consecințelor. Folosind comanda ''/usedrugs meth'', se vor consuma 12 grame de dorguri. Jucătorul va primi 100% HP, însă și 20% dependență și imposibilitatea de a se mișca timp de 20 de secunde.
''Notă 1: Există comanda ''/fput drugs'' respectiv ''/fget drugs'' pentru controlul seifului de droguri al gangului.''<br />
''Notă 2: Această dependență poate fi scăzută de la spitalul din orașul Los Santos folosind comanda /rehab.''<br />
''Notă 3: Aflați mai multe detalii accesând pagina [[Alte_sisteme:Droguri|Droguri]].''
= Comenzi des utilizate în timpul warurilor =
== /order ==
== /order ==
Comanda este folosită de către gangsterii serverelor pentru a comanda un anumit pachet de arme (pachetele de arme sunt disponibile în funcție de rangul gangsterului). Se folosește un singur parametru în completarea comenzii, ID-ul pachetului de arme.  
This command is used by a gangster to order a particular weapon package (these packages are available depending on the gangster's rank). You only need to specify the ID of the package.
''Notă: Există un total de 4 pachete de arme. Exemplu de utilizare: /order 2.''
''Note: There are 4 different weapon packages. Example: /order 2.''
== /turfs ==
== /turfs ==
Această comandă este disponibilă pentru toți jucătorii serverelor RPG, însă cel mai des este utilizată de către gangsteri. Comanda în sine afișează atât pe mini-radar cât și pe întreaga hartă din meniul jocului (ESC-MAP), teritoriile colorate în funcție de culoarea gangului care îl deține. În timpul războaielor între gangsteri, folosirea comenzii /turfs arată gangsterii implicați drept puncte pe hartă, colorate în funcție de echipa din care fac parte.
It is available to every player on our RPG servers, but is most commonly used amongst gangsters. The command displays on the radar and on the map (ESC-MAP) the turfs coloured according to the gang that owns them. In times of war, the /turfs command shows the position of involved gangsters on the map as a coloured marker (based on their affiliation).
== /fvr ==
== /fvr ==
Linia 62: Linia 68:
== /f ==
== /f ==
Comanda transmite un mesaj către chatul [[Factiuni|facţiunii]] din care faceţi parte (doar în cazul în care faceţi parte din una). Comanda este prezentă la toate [[Factiuni|facţiunile]] exceptând departamentele de poliţie unde se foloseste /r.
The command sends a message on your [[Factiuni|faction's]] chat (only if you are part of any). It is available for all  [[Factiuni|factions]], except for police departments that use /r. <br />
''Exemplu: "/f mesaj"''
''Example: "/f message"''
= Special wars =
== Deathmatch War ==
=== Development and Information ===
*This war type is held every Saturday, between 20:00-21:00, the turf is placed outside the cities<sup>''1''</sup> and has the color of the winning gang.
*The members situated on the deathmatch war turf can't leave it.
*The gangsters will be respawned directly on the turf, at a random position chosen by the server.
*For this war type, the main target is to obtain kills as much as is possible, the deaths being insignificant for the determination of the winning gang. Therefore, the gang which will win the turf will be the gang which sums up the highest number of kills.
*Also, the best member of the war will be the gagster who has killed the most enemyes and the worst member of the war will be the gangster who has killed the least enemyes.
*After the war ending, all the members will be respawned and the statistics for the war will be displayed 10 seconds later, using a special table<sup>''2''</sup>.
Winning gang members will be awarded with a new countable achievement, which can be obtained at every winning of this type.
== Alliance War ==
=== Development and information ===
*This type of war is held every Sunday, between 20:00-21:00, the turf is placed outside of the cicies and is shaped like a tricolor, displaying the 3 colors of the gangs which formed the winning alliance.
*The alliances are completely randomly formed when the war begins, foming 3 alliances with 3 gangs each.
*The participants members at this war type can leave the turf, but they can't cause damages to other gangsters outside of the turf or from outside the turf.
*Every alliance has the spawn points outside the turf, at opposite corners and at equal distances.
*For this war type, the main target is to obtain kills as much as possible, having as as much as least deaths is possible, all statistics being the result of the division of number of kills to number of deaths (named KDR).
*The winning alliance will be the one which has the highest arithmetic mean of the KDRs, so all the gangs inside an alliance has to obtain the best scores, because a single weak KDR of one gang will get down the whole alliance.
*The gangs in the same alliance can communicate using /gc command.
*The gang leaders are able to change the minimum required rank to use /gc, by using /setgc command.
*When the war is finished, all of the members will be respawned and 10 seconds later the statistics of the war will be displayed using a special table.
*The members of the gangs in the winning alliance will be awarded with a new countable achievement, which can be obtained at every victory of this type.
== General information regarding the two war types ==
=== Overview ===
* A new title named "Best Killstreak" has been added, which will be owned by the gangster who manage to kill the most enemyes without being killed.
* During the wars, the gangsters can preview various statistics in the right-down corner of the screen, which are synced in real time.
* To get on the special turf, the gangsters will do the same thing as they already did for normal war rounds (by getting outside of the HQ). At this moment, the gangster can select between getting outside of the HQ or being teleported directly to the war location.
* Those two war types are held during 60 minutes.
* Every time when a gangster will die on the turf, during 10 seconds he will be placed as spectator to the player who killed him and respawned on the turf after that.
* When you enter to the war, the alliens and enemyes will be presented by text messages in chat.
* The war alliens (those who can't get damaged by you) will be displayed on the radar by green markers and the enemyes by red markers.
* Those two new war types are using free weapons, which you can obtain by typing /guns command (by successive dialogues you will choose the primary weapon and the secondary weapon). Also, at every respawn you will receive the last selected weapons.
* The two war types are '''OPTIONAL''', the members of the gangs being not obliged to attend, it doesn't have vehicles and is held in a unique virtual-world.
* If a war is compromised for any reason (unfinished), it's statistics will be deleted.
=== Distributing weapons ===
* Unlikewise classic wars, where weapons are ordered at the HQ using the ''/order'' command, in the supremacy wars, weapons are bought using the ''/guns'' command, that once sent will generate succesive dialogs where players can choose the first and the second weapon (primary & secondary).
* After death, the player will respawn with the same two weapons once ordered using ''/guns''.
* To change weapons, the player can use the ''/guns'' command again, choosing the new weapons through the same succesive dialog.
=== Comenzile disponibile ===
=== /turfs ===
Această comandă este disponibilă pentru toți jucătorii serverelor RPG, însă cel mai des este utilizată de către gangsteri. Comanda în sine afișează atât pe mini-radar cât și pe întreaga hartă din meniul jocului (ESC-MAP), teritoriile colorate în funcție de culoarea gangului care îl deține. În timpul războaielor între gangsteri, folosirea comenzii /turfs arată gangsterii implicați drept puncte pe hartă, colorate în funcție de echipa din care fac parte.
=== /fvr ===
This command respawns all unoccupied faction vehicles. It is highly used in times of war.
=== /f ===
The command sends a message on your [[Factiuni|faction's]] chat (only if you are part of any). It is available for all  [[Factiuni|factions]], except for police departments that use /r. <br />
''Example: "/f message"''
=== /guns ===
The command generates a succesive dialog through which players can order weapons (once at a time, primary and secondary) in the supremacy wars.
=== /score ===
Using the /score command you can see the gangs' statistics list, ordered descending.
=== /top ===
The /top command will show the name of the gangs that own turfs for the 2 new war types.
=== /leavewar ===
This command can be used to leave the war round, but you can't re-enter for 3 minutes.
<br /> <br />
= Legături externe =
= External Links =
[ '''Pagina warurilor''' RPG.B-ZONE.RO]<br />
[ '''Wars Page''' for RPG.B-ZONE.RO]<br />
[ '''Pagina warurilor''' RPG2.B-ZONE.RO]<br />
[ '''Wars Page''' for RPG2.B-ZONE.RO]<br />
[ '''Pagina warurilor''' RPG3.B-ZONE.RO]<br />

Versiunea curentă din 11 mai 2024 08:01

Alte limbi:
English • ‎Română

Wars are armed confrontations between gangs which may result in the gain of turfs, respect or supremacy.

Classic Wars

Development and information

  • A war lasts for 30 minutes and the maximum number of wars a gang can take part in daily is 4.
  • During the entire war, gang members have the duty of killing as many enemies as possible or to maintain supremacy over the area, so they can earn points and ultimately win the turf.
  • Wars are being held inside a different virtual-world than the one normal users play in, so they won't be influenced.
  • Gangsters must destroy their adversaries by using weapons such as: Desert Eagle (Deagle), M4, AK47, Rifle, TEC-9 and Combat Shotgun.
  • Once having entered the turfs with their gang's vehicle, gangsters have 10 seconds to position them favourably. After the 10 seconds have elapsed, the players will be kicked out of their vehicles, if they haven't already exited them.
  • Once a gangster leaves the turf, he will still be considered on the turf for a few seconds.
  • Moreover, gang members cannot enter vehicles that are on the turf.
  • A 30-minute war spans over 15 rounds.
  • For a gang to win the war, they must have been victorious in at least 8 rounds.
  • To win a round, a gang must have a higher score than the others.
  • If both gangs have the same score, the one defending the turf wins the round.
  • At the end of every war, it is calculated the best score amongst the winners and the worst score amongst the losers.
  • On B-Zone's RPG servers, the wars take place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, from 20:00 to 22:00 (RO, GMT+2). During the summer, the wars are held between 13:00 and 15:00 (RO, GMT+2).
  • When a gang fights a war, its members can observe on their map the disputed turf switching colours between the attacker's and the defendant's (to see turfs on the map, use /turfs in-game).
  • During wartime, only personal or mafia-owned ground vehicles may be used. Exception: Journey, Mr.Whoopee, Coach, Hotdog, Packer, Bus, DFT-30 and Duneride.
  • Every gang member must follow their leader's and subleader's instructions.

Distributing weapons

  • Gangsters must have the job Arms Dealer when they fight in a war.
  • Gangsters are required to create weapons for team-mates when requested.
  • To sell weapons, use /sellgun.
  • To be able to sell weapons, gang members need materials.
  • There are two commands which control the gang's materials safe: /fput materials and /fget materials.
  • Learn more about materials on our page dedicated to the Arms Dealer job.

Weapons based on rank

rank-based order packages
  • Rank 1: The command available to use is /order 1, which provides a Deagle.
  • Rank 2: The command available to use is /order 2, which provides a Deagle and a M4.
  • Rank 3: The command available to use is /order 3, which provides a Deagle, a M4 and a Country Rifle.
  • Rank 4: The command available to use is /order 4, which provides a Deagle, a M4, a TEC-9, a Combat Shotgun and a Country Rifle.

Note: The /order command is available only inside the HQ, house or Clan HQ.


If a gangster runs low on health, they can use drugs to replenish it. Based on their type, drugs can be classified as follows:

  1. Marijuana - executing /usedrugs marijuana consumes 12 grams of drugs. This substance gives the player 5HP, but also 2% addiction and possible side effects such as dizziness.
  2. Cocaine - it can be consumed through /usedrugs cocaine. 18 grams are deducted off your total drug amount. You will receive 20HP, but also 4% addiction and possible side effects such as dizziness.
  3. Ecstasy - it can be used through /usedrugs ecstasy. 26 grams of drugs will get consumed. It gives out 50HP and 10% addiction. Unlike other drugs, it has an unusual side effect: the character will fall to the ground for 10 seconds. Meanwhile, it is useless to try /stopanim.
  4. Meth or methamphetamine - this is the strongest of all, but also the most useful. Typing in /usedrugs meth will take 38 grams off your total. The player get 100% HP, 20% addiction and becomes motionless for 20 seconds.

Note 1: To control the gang's drugs safe, the commands /fput drugs and /fget drugs are available.
Note 2: This addiction level can be lowered at Los Santos' Hospital, by using /rehab.
Note 3: Learn more about this by visiting our page dedicated to Drugs.

Top Gangs

  • Each month turfs get reset in the last Saturday of that month and the first two gangs with the most turfs will be awarded gold, like so:
    • 1st place will get 10440 Gold that will be divided automatically between the rank 1-6 members of that faction, leader included.
    • 2nd place will get 7800 Gold that will be divided the same.
  • In case of a draw the departure will be made depending on the number of wars won, and if it is a tie even then, the winner will get picked randomly.

Commands commonly used in times of war


This command is used by a gangster to order a particular weapon package (these packages are available depending on the gangster's rank). You only need to specify the ID of the package. Note: There are 4 different weapon packages. Example: /order 2.


It is available to every player on our RPG servers, but is most commonly used amongst gangsters. The command displays on the radar and on the map (ESC-MAP) the turfs coloured according to the gang that owns them. In times of war, the /turfs command shows the position of involved gangsters on the map as a coloured marker (based on their affiliation).


Utilizarea comenzii are ca efect respawnarea vehiculelor neocupate ale facțiunii. Este o comandă extrem de utilizată în timpul warurilor.


The command sends a message on your faction's chat (only if you are part of any). It is available for all factions, except for police departments that use /r.
Example: "/f message"

Special wars

Deathmatch War

Development and Information

  • This war type is held every Saturday, between 20:00-21:00, the turf is placed outside the cities1 and has the color of the winning gang.
  • The members situated on the deathmatch war turf can't leave it.
  • The gangsters will be respawned directly on the turf, at a random position chosen by the server.
  • For this war type, the main target is to obtain kills as much as is possible, the deaths being insignificant for the determination of the winning gang. Therefore, the gang which will win the turf will be the gang which sums up the highest number of kills.
  • Also, the best member of the war will be the gagster who has killed the most enemyes and the worst member of the war will be the gangster who has killed the least enemyes.
  • After the war ending, all the members will be respawned and the statistics for the war will be displayed 10 seconds later, using a special table2.

Winning gang members will be awarded with a new countable achievement, which can be obtained at every winning of this type.

Alliance War

Development and information

  • This type of war is held every Sunday, between 20:00-21:00, the turf is placed outside of the cicies and is shaped like a tricolor, displaying the 3 colors of the gangs which formed the winning alliance.
  • The alliances are completely randomly formed when the war begins, foming 3 alliances with 3 gangs each.
  • The participants members at this war type can leave the turf, but they can't cause damages to other gangsters outside of the turf or from outside the turf.
  • Every alliance has the spawn points outside the turf, at opposite corners and at equal distances.
  • For this war type, the main target is to obtain kills as much as possible, having as as much as least deaths is possible, all statistics being the result of the division of number of kills to number of deaths (named KDR).
  • The winning alliance will be the one which has the highest arithmetic mean of the KDRs, so all the gangs inside an alliance has to obtain the best scores, because a single weak KDR of one gang will get down the whole alliance.
  • The gangs in the same alliance can communicate using /gc command.
  • The gang leaders are able to change the minimum required rank to use /gc, by using /setgc command.
  • When the war is finished, all of the members will be respawned and 10 seconds later the statistics of the war will be displayed using a special table.
  • The members of the gangs in the winning alliance will be awarded with a new countable achievement, which can be obtained at every victory of this type.

General information regarding the two war types


  • A new title named "Best Killstreak" has been added, which will be owned by the gangster who manage to kill the most enemyes without being killed.
  • During the wars, the gangsters can preview various statistics in the right-down corner of the screen, which are synced in real time.
  • To get on the special turf, the gangsters will do the same thing as they already did for normal war rounds (by getting outside of the HQ). At this moment, the gangster can select between getting outside of the HQ or being teleported directly to the war location.
  • Those two war types are held during 60 minutes.
  • Every time when a gangster will die on the turf, during 10 seconds he will be placed as spectator to the player who killed him and respawned on the turf after that.
  • When you enter to the war, the alliens and enemyes will be presented by text messages in chat.
  • The war alliens (those who can't get damaged by you) will be displayed on the radar by green markers and the enemyes by red markers.
  • Those two new war types are using free weapons, which you can obtain by typing /guns command (by successive dialogues you will choose the primary weapon and the secondary weapon). Also, at every respawn you will receive the last selected weapons.
  • The two war types are OPTIONAL, the members of the gangs being not obliged to attend, it doesn't have vehicles and is held in a unique virtual-world.
  • If a war is compromised for any reason (unfinished), it's statistics will be deleted.

Distributing weapons

  • Unlikewise classic wars, where weapons are ordered at the HQ using the /order command, in the supremacy wars, weapons are bought using the /guns command, that once sent will generate succesive dialogs where players can choose the first and the second weapon (primary & secondary).
  • After death, the player will respawn with the same two weapons once ordered using /guns.
  • To change weapons, the player can use the /guns command again, choosing the new weapons through the same succesive dialog.

Comenzile disponibile


Această comandă este disponibilă pentru toți jucătorii serverelor RPG, însă cel mai des este utilizată de către gangsteri. Comanda în sine afișează atât pe mini-radar cât și pe întreaga hartă din meniul jocului (ESC-MAP), teritoriile colorate în funcție de culoarea gangului care îl deține. În timpul războaielor între gangsteri, folosirea comenzii /turfs arată gangsterii implicați drept puncte pe hartă, colorate în funcție de echipa din care fac parte.


This command respawns all unoccupied faction vehicles. It is highly used in times of war.


The command sends a message on your faction's chat (only if you are part of any). It is available for all factions, except for police departments that use /r.
Example: "/f message"


The command generates a succesive dialog through which players can order weapons (once at a time, primary and secondary) in the supremacy wars.


Using the /score command you can see the gangs' statistics list, ordered descending.


The /top command will show the name of the gangs that own turfs for the 2 new war types.


This command can be used to leave the war round, but you can't re-enter for 3 minutes.

External Links

Wars Page for RPG.B-ZONE.RO
Wars Page for RPG2.B-ZONE.RO