Alte sisteme:Escape/en: Diferență între versiuni

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[[File:escape_photo.png|thumb|450px|A prisoner trying to escape]]
Dacă posibilitatea de a ajunge la închisoare este atât de mare și tentațiile de a comite infracțiuni sunt la orice pas, comunitatea B-Zone vă pune la dispoziție un sistem RPG pentru a reuși să evadați din închisoare. Toate detaliile pe care trebuie să le cunoașteți înainte să începeți acest proces riscant pe unul dintre serverele B-Zone RPG, se află mai jos, în această pagină.
As the probability of ending up in prison is so high and temptation is present every step of the way, the B-Zone community offers your an RPG system to escape jail. All the necessary details before attempting such a risky process can be found below.
= Caracteristici generale =
= General Characteristics =
*Se vor forma echipe a maxim 6 puşcăriaşi, echipe ce se pot forma doar în curtea închisorii. Fiecare membru al echipei trebuie să aibă cel puţin 20 de puncte de evadare pentru a putea fi invitat / pentru a crea o echipă (lider).  
* Teams of 6 prisoners shall be established. You may create them in jail's yard. Each team member is required to have at least 20 escape points to be invite/ to create a team (as a leader).
*Membrii echipei vor pierde 10 puncte de evadare la crearea echipei şi încă 10 în momentul în care reuşesc să evadeze.  
* Team members lose 10 escape points when creating the group and 10 others when they succeed in escaping.  
*Jucătorii fără cont premium vor putea avea 20 de puncte de evadare, iar jucătorii cu cont premium au limita setată la 40.  
* Players without a premium account may have a maximum of 20 escape points at any time, while premium account users may have a maximum of 40.
*La fiecare payday se primeşte un punct de evadare, excepţie poliţiştii.  
* On each payday, an escape point is given out to everyone, except for police officers.  
*Poliţiştii aflaţi în apropiere (15 metri) vor fi alertaţi imediat dacă se foloseşte comanda /hit, iar membrii grupului vor ajunge în închisoare.  
* Policemen nearby (15 metres) get alerted right away if the /hit command is being used, while the group members go back to jail.
*Un membru poate părăsi grupul dacă reintră din curte în interiorul închisorii, dacă primeşte /punish sau dacă iese de pe server.
* A member may leave the group if they enter the jail's interior, if they get punished or if they exit the server.
*În curtea închisorii pot exista maxim 4 membrii National Guard în același timp.
* At the same time, maximum 4 National Guard members may be in the yard.
*În curtea închisorii este în permanență noapte.
* There is daytime for a few seconds (from entering the yard), then it will always be nightime in it.
* The escapes will generate specific alarms. The alarm will be heard by everyone inside the jail/jail yard. It will trigger the moment the runners become wanted for escaping and will stop 1 minute later.
*You can report an inmate who wants to escape using /snitch command and you will be given half time in jail.
= How to escape =
= Cum evadezi? =
* Teams may e created through /escape.
*Echipele se vor crea prin comanda /escape.  
* Once established, the leader (the one who firstly invited someone into the team) must find a free fence.
*Odată formată o echipă, liderul echipei (cel care a invitat prima dată pe cineva în echipă), va trebui să găsească un gard liber.  
* The fences are marked by a text and can be found around the yard.
*Gardurile vor fi marcate cu un text şi se află la marginea curţii.  
* Afterwards, you must use /hit to start breaking it and escape.  
*Odată găsit un gard, trebuie folosită comanda /hit pentru a îl putea rupe şi evada.  
* When the fence reaches 0 resistance (initially 100, while one /hit is deducts 3), group members will each leave the yard, with a 5-second interval between them.
*Când gardul este redus la 0 rezistenţă (iniţial având 100, iar un /hit scăzând 3), membrii grupului vor ieşi pe rând, la un interval de 5 secunde.  
* A minute after the having broken the fence, all team members receive wanted 6.
*La un minut după spargerea gardului, toţi membrii grupării vor primi wanted 6.  
* They need to reach a clothing shop without dying and without getting caught by the police. Then, they must use /clothes to get rid of the wanted level and successfully finish the escape.
*Ei trebuie să ajungă la un magazin de îmbrăcăminte fără să moară sau să fie prinşi de poliţie şi să folosească /clothes pentru a scăpa de wanted şi pentru a termina evadarea.

Versiunea curentă din 18 iunie 2023 09:11

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English • ‎Română
A prisoner trying to escape

As the probability of ending up in prison is so high and temptation is present every step of the way, the B-Zone community offers your an RPG system to escape jail. All the necessary details before attempting such a risky process can be found below.

General Characteristics

  • Teams of 6 prisoners shall be established. You may create them in jail's yard. Each team member is required to have at least 20 escape points to be invite/ to create a team (as a leader).
  • Team members lose 10 escape points when creating the group and 10 others when they succeed in escaping.
  • Players without a premium account may have a maximum of 20 escape points at any time, while premium account users may have a maximum of 40.
  • On each payday, an escape point is given out to everyone, except for police officers.
  • Policemen nearby (15 metres) get alerted right away if the /hit command is being used, while the group members go back to jail.
  • A member may leave the group if they enter the jail's interior, if they get punished or if they exit the server.
  • At the same time, maximum 4 National Guard members may be in the yard.
  • There is daytime for a few seconds (from entering the yard), then it will always be nightime in it.
  • The escapes will generate specific alarms. The alarm will be heard by everyone inside the jail/jail yard. It will trigger the moment the runners become wanted for escaping and will stop 1 minute later.
  • You can report an inmate who wants to escape using /snitch command and you will be given half time in jail.

How to escape

  • Teams may e created through /escape.
  • Once established, the leader (the one who firstly invited someone into the team) must find a free fence.
  • The fences are marked by a text and can be found around the yard.
  • Afterwards, you must use /hit to start breaking it and escape.
  • When the fence reaches 0 resistance (initially 100, while one /hit is deducts 3), group members will each leave the yard, with a 5-second interval between them.
  • A minute after the having broken the fence, all team members receive wanted 6.
  • They need to reach a clothing shop without dying and without getting caught by the police. Then, they must use /clothes to get rid of the wanted level and successfully finish the escape.