Factiuni:Raport de Activitate/en: Diferență între versiuni

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[[File:RaportJoc.png|thumb|450px|#1 Dialog raport în joc]]
[[File:RaportJoc.png|thumb|450px|#1 Game report dialogue]]
[[File:RaportWeb.png|thumb|700px|#2 Dialog raport pe website]]
[[File:RaportWeb.png|thumb|700px|#2 Website report dialogue]]
[[File:RaportWebIncomplete.png|thumb|700px|#3 Listă rapoarte de activitate website]]
[[File:RaportWebIncomplete.png|thumb|700px|#3 Website reports list]]
Raportul de activitate reprezintă activitatea principală a unui membru de facțiune. Membrul trebuie să întocmească săptămânal numărul minim de puncte atribuit rankului și facțiunii din care face parte pentru a fi considerat un membru activ. <br />
The activity report is the main activity a faction member has. The member must do his weekly report assigned to his rank and faction in order to be considered an active member. <br />
Raportul de activitate este obligatoriu pentru facțiunile '''Pașnice''', pentru '''Departamente''' și pentru '''Hitmen'''. <br />
The activity report is obligatory for the following factions:'''Peaceful''', '''Departments''' and '''Hitmen'''. <br />
Facțiunile precum '''Primăria''' și '''Gangurile''' nu au un raport de activitate propriu-zis.  
Factions like '''Mayor''' and '''Gangs''' do not have a proper activity report.  
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= Caracteristici Generale =
= General Characteristics =
* Membrii cu rankul cuprins între '''1 și 5''' au de efectuat <font color="red">'''un raport obligatoriu'''</font> în cadrul facțiunii din care fac parte.
* Members ranked between '''1 and 5''' have an <font color="red">'''obligatory report'''</font> in the faction they are a part of.
** Jucătorii care intră în facțiune în zilele de Miercuri până Duminică vor avea raportul de activitate din săptămâna respectivă opțional.
** Players that join the faction from Wednesday to Sunday will have the activity for that week optional.
* Fiecare rank are atribuit de regulă un număr diferit de puncte pentru raport.
* Each rank usually has its own number of points assigned for the activity report.
* Raportul de activitate se efectuează '''de Luni ora 00:00 până Duminică la ora 23:45'''.
* The activity report can be made from '''Monday at 00:00 until Sunday at 23:45'''.
* Liderii și Subliderii facțiunii sunt scutiți de efectuarea raportului de activitate.
* Leaders and Subleaders have optional activity reports.
* Adminii și Helperii care fac parte din facțiuni vor avea un raport de activitate înjumătățit.
* Admins and Helpers that are part of a faction have half activity reports than normal members.
* Raportul de activitate se resetează la finalul unei săptămâni.
* The activity report resets at the end of the week.
* Raportul de activitate nu poate fi făcut în avans.
* The activity report cannot be made in advance.
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= Efectuarea Raportului =
= Completing the Report =
* Progresul raportului de activitate poate fi monitorizat în joc folosind comenzile '''/raport''', '''/myraport''' sau '''/myreport''' (''imaginea #1'').
* The report progress can be monitored in game using the commands '''/raport''', '''/myraport''' or '''/myreport''' (''image #1'').
* Acesta poate fi de asemenea monitorizat pe website în secțiunea '''My Account''' > '''Faction''' > '''Faction Reports''' (''imaginea #2'').
* It can also be monitored on the website in the section '''My Account''' > '''Faction''' > '''Faction Reports''' (''image #2'').
** Tot aici puteți vizualiza progresul pentru rapoartele anterioare, indiferent de facțiunea din care ați făcut parte (''imaginea #3'').
** Here you can also see your progress for previous reports, no matter of the faction you were part of (''image #3'').
* Punctele de raport de activitate se alocă automat de către server atunci când jucătorul efectuează o acțiune specifică facțiunii care se punctează la raport.
* The activity report points are automatically given when a faction specific command is used that is also given points for.
* Numărul de puncte necesare pentru raport specific tuturor facțiunilor poate fi vizualizat pe website în secțiunea '''Faction Reports'''.
* The specific number of points for an activity report in each faction can be seen on the website in the section '''Faction Reports'''.
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= Bonusul =
= Bonus =
* Jucătorii care efectuează un raport dublu față de cât este normal primesc un '''bonus în valoare de $25,000'''.
* Players that do double the normal report will get a '''bonus of $25,000'''.
* Jucătorii care au raport opțional pot primi bonusul dacă punctele pentru echivalentul unui raport normal.
* Players that have an optional report can still receive the bonus if they complete the equivalent of a normal report.
* Jucătorii care au raport înjumătățit pot primi bonusul dacă efectuează punctele pentru echivalentul unui raport normal.
* Players that have half report can still receive the bonus if they complete the equivalent of a normal report.
* În cazul gangurilor bonusul va fi alocat la finalul săptămânii de raport numai jucătorilor care au reușit să participe '''la cel puțin 75% din warurile avute în săptămâna respectivă'''.
* For gangsters the bonus is given at the end of the week only if the players managed to participate in '''at least 75% of the wars from that week'''.
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= Învoirea de la Raport =
= Excusing from the Report =
* Jucătorii se pot învoi de la efectuarea unui raport de activitate deschizând o cerere de inactivitate pe website în secțiunea '''My Account''' > '''Faction'''.
* Players can excuse themselves from an activity report by opening an inactivity request on the website in the section '''My Account''' > '''Faction'''.
* <font color="red">'''Cererile de inactivitate nu pot fi făcute pentru săptămâna de raport în curs, numai pentru săptămânile de raport neîncepute. Așadar dacă urmează să vă planificați o vacanță în săptămâna ce urmează este indicat să deschideți cererea de inactivitate înainte de începerea respectivei săptămâni.'''</font>
* <font color="red">'''Inactivity requests cannot be made for the current week, only for the week that has not yet started. So if you are going to plan a vacation for next week it is indicated to open an inactivity request before that week starts.'''</font>
** '''Caz 1:''' Dacă cumva nu ați reușit să deschideți cererea de inactivitate la timp și deja a început săptămâna, aveți posibilitatea de a nu termina raportul de activitate și veți primi un avertisment din partea sistemului dacă dețineți cel puțin rank 2, după care în săptămâna următoare va trebui să recuperați inclusiv raportul din săptămâna pierdută.
** '''Case 1:''' If you didn't manage to open an inactivity request in time and the week has already started, you have the possibility not to finish the report of that week and you will get a warning from the sistem if you have at least rank 2, after which in the following week you will also have to recover the report from the lost week.
** '''Caz 2:''' Dacă nu ați terminat raportul pentru săptămâna curentă și aveți cel puțin rank 2, iar în săptămâna următoare aveți cerere de inactivitate acceptată, tot va trebui să recuperați raportul nefinalizat în săptămâna după expirarea cererii de inactivitate.  
** '''Case 2:''' If you didn't finish the report for the current week and you have at least rank 2, and you have an inactivity request for next week, you can recover the unfinished report after your inactivity week expires.  
* Jucătorii cu rank 1 nu au dreptul de-a deschide o cerere de inactivitate.
* Players with rank 1 cannot open inactivity requests.
* Jucătorii cu rank 2 au dreptul la cel mult o săptămână de inactivitate.
* Players with rank 2 have the right to open an inactivity request for 1 week.
* Jucătorii cu minim rank 3 au dreptul la cel mult două săptămâni de inactivitate.
* Players with at least rank 3 have the right to open inactivity requests for up to 2 weeks.
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= Neefectuarea Raportului =
= Incomplete Report =
* Jucătorii de rank 1 care nu reușesc să-și efectueze raportul de activitate for fi demiși în mod automat din facțiune cu FP 60/60.
* Players with rank 1 that do not finish the activity report will be automatically kicked out of the faction with FP 60/60.
* Jucătorii de minim rank 2 care nu reușesc să-și efectueze raportul de activitate vor intra inițial în '''modul de recuperare'''.
* Players with at least rank 2 that do not finish their activity report will initially enter '''recovery mode'''.
** Asta înseamnă că în următoarea săptămână de raport vor trebui să recupereze inclusiv punctele nefinalizate din săptămâna anterioară pe lângă punctele pe care trebuie să le strângă din raportul curent.
** This means that in the next week they will need to recover the unfinished points from the previous week and also finish the points from the current activity report to completely finish their report.
* Dacă jucătorul nu reușește nici în săptămâna de recuperare să finalizeze raportul acesta va fi sancționat astfel:
* If the player still doesn't manage to finish the activity report then he will be punished as follows:
** Jucătorii cu rank 2 vor fi demiși automat cu FP 10/60.
** Players with rank 2 will be automatically kicked out with FP 10/60.
** Jucătorii cu cel puțin rank 3 vor primi rank down inițial, iar dacă în continuare nu-și termină raportul for fi demiși automat cu FP 10/60.
** Players with at least rank 3 will initially get rank down, and if they still do not finish their activity report they will get kicked out with FP 10/60.
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= Pagini Similare =
= Similar Pages =
<code>[[Factiuni:Descriere_Generala|&bull; Descriere generala Factiuni]]</code><br />
<code>[[Factiuni:Descriere_Generala/en|&bull; General Faction Description]]</code><br />

Versiunea curentă din 14 mai 2019 14:42

Alte limbi:
English • ‎Română
#1 Game report dialogue
#2 Website report dialogue
#3 Website reports list

The activity report is the main activity a faction member has. The member must do his weekly report assigned to his rank and faction in order to be considered an active member.
The activity report is obligatory for the following factions:Peaceful, Departments and Hitmen.
Factions like Mayor and Gangs do not have a proper activity report.

General Characteristics

  • Members ranked between 1 and 5 have an obligatory report in the faction they are a part of.
    • Players that join the faction from Wednesday to Sunday will have the activity for that week optional.
  • Each rank usually has its own number of points assigned for the activity report.
  • The activity report can be made from Monday at 00:00 until Sunday at 23:45.
  • Leaders and Subleaders have optional activity reports.
  • Admins and Helpers that are part of a faction have half activity reports than normal members.
  • The activity report resets at the end of the week.
  • The activity report cannot be made in advance.

Completing the Report

  • The report progress can be monitored in game using the commands /raport, /myraport or /myreport (image #1).
  • It can also be monitored on the website in the section My Account > Faction > Faction Reports (image #2).
    • Here you can also see your progress for previous reports, no matter of the faction you were part of (image #3).
  • The activity report points are automatically given when a faction specific command is used that is also given points for.
  • The specific number of points for an activity report in each faction can be seen on the website in the section Faction Reports.


  • Players that do double the normal report will get a bonus of $25,000.
  • Players that have an optional report can still receive the bonus if they complete the equivalent of a normal report.
  • Players that have half report can still receive the bonus if they complete the equivalent of a normal report.
  • For gangsters the bonus is given at the end of the week only if the players managed to participate in at least 75% of the wars from that week.

Excusing from the Report

  • Players can excuse themselves from an activity report by opening an inactivity request on the website in the section My Account > Faction.
  • Inactivity requests cannot be made for the current week, only for the week that has not yet started. So if you are going to plan a vacation for next week it is indicated to open an inactivity request before that week starts.
    • Case 1: If you didn't manage to open an inactivity request in time and the week has already started, you have the possibility not to finish the report of that week and you will get a warning from the sistem if you have at least rank 2, after which in the following week you will also have to recover the report from the lost week.
    • Case 2: If you didn't finish the report for the current week and you have at least rank 2, and you have an inactivity request for next week, you can recover the unfinished report after your inactivity week expires.
  • Players with rank 1 cannot open inactivity requests.
  • Players with rank 2 have the right to open an inactivity request for 1 week.
  • Players with at least rank 3 have the right to open inactivity requests for up to 2 weeks.

Incomplete Report

  • Players with rank 1 that do not finish the activity report will be automatically kicked out of the faction with FP 60/60.
  • Players with at least rank 2 that do not finish their activity report will initially enter recovery mode.
    • This means that in the next week they will need to recover the unfinished points from the previous week and also finish the points from the current activity report to completely finish their report.
  • If the player still doesn't manage to finish the activity report then he will be punished as follows:
    • Players with rank 2 will be automatically kicked out with FP 10/60.
    • Players with at least rank 3 will initially get rank down, and if they still do not finish their activity report they will get kicked out with FP 10/60.

Similar Pages

• General Faction Description