De la B-Zone Wiki
Această pagină reprezintă versiunea tradusă a paginii Website:Updates, procesul de traducere fiind completat în proporție de 100%.
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Notă: The latest updates are marked with a red flag, New. |
- The B-Zone community emphasises on organisation so that players can find what they're looking for in just a few click. Because of that, the RPG websites have a page entitled "Updates", in which is written every modification brought to the server or the website. </br>
- The main page consists of updates for the RPG. Moreover, it contains 2 tabs in order to display updates brought to the website and updates brought to the server.
- Every time the website or the server has been updated, players receive a notification on their personal accounts.
- The updates are organised in such a way to facilitate the search for a certain update done at some point in time.
- Their organisation consists of placing the information in well-optimised spoilers with a title following this pattern: "Date of the update - Updated Version".
External Links
Server updates for RPG1.B-ZONE.RO
Server updates for RPG2.B-ZONE.RO
Website updates for RPG1.B-ZONE.RO
Website updates for RPG2.B-ZONE.RO