Translations:Bizuri:PubG Arena/7/en

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The Inventory

  • Here you can store and control all objects you pick up from the map (image #1).
  • The inventory can be accessed using the Y key, closed using Escape.
  • Selecting an object from the inventory you can see a general description of it.
  • The USE button is used for equipping that object.
  • The inventory has a slot for white weapons, one for a primary and one for a secondary weapon.
    • Because of this you cannot change between two automatic weapons just like in normal sa-mp, but you need to equip your other weapon from the inventory using the USE button if you want to use it.
  • The DROP ALL button allows to throw an object with all its ammo.
  • The DROP AMOUNT button allows to throw an object with a certain amount of ammo.
  • The backpack represents your deposit space in the inventory.