Translations:Bizuri:PubG Arena/3/en

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General Characteristics

  • The arena can be found using /gps, biz id 159.
  • When entering the arena you will first enter the Lobby where you will automatically receive an arena skin.
    • The lobby is also accessible even if a match is already ongoing.
    • It has an area where you can form teams near the tents, teams can be formed by pressing Y in that spot, as well as an area where you can exist the arena near the hot air balloon by pressing F or Enter.
  • While a match is ongoing you can see in the HUD how many players are alive.
  • If there is no ongoing match you will see a timer on your screen that announces the start of a new match.
  • When starting a match each player pays a tax that goes into a POT which will be given the the player or team winning the match.
  • The match starts with all players in a plane above the fighting area, you can jump from the plane whenever you think you are in a good area.
    • If you do not jump from the plane you will be automatically ejected at the end of the map.
  • The names of players are hidden, you can only see the names of players that killed you.
  • Once you have reached the ground your purpose is to gather as much loot to stay alive, to escape or kill enemies and to remain inside the safe zones.
  • You can choose a more aggressive play style and search for enemies to kill them or you can be more passive and hide up until the end when the area is as small as possible.
  • Certain things you do during a match will give you points that count towards growing in level of your PubG character.
    • At this time the character level doesn't have any attributions.
  • The player or team of players that remain last alive will win the game.