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 i engleză (en)=Top Alliances=
This page shows you a table of all the clans forming an alliance on the server with the following information about each alliance:
*'''#:''' represents the row number.
*'''Name:''' represents the name of the alliance.
*'''Members:''' represents the total number of alliance members (the total number of members from all allied clans).
*'''Allied clans:''' represents the names of allied clans.
*'''Talk power:''' represents the minimum rank you must have in the clan to be able to communicate on the alliance chat.
*'''View:''' you can view a specific alliance on the server in more detail.
 i Română (ro)*Tabelul cuprinde următoarele informații:
# Număr curent
# Numele clanului
# Tagul folosit de clan
# Numărul de membrii si maximul de membrii admis de clan
# Nivelul minim necesar pentru a aplica în clan
# Statusul aplicațiilor (deschise/inchise)
# Un buton cu ajutorul căruia se poate aplica în clan