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S-au găsit 2 traduceri.

NumeTextul curent
 i engleză (en)=== Skill 9 ===
*1954$ <-> 2069$ without Premium Account. | 2931$ <-> 3103$ with Premium Account.

=== Skill 10 ===
*1983$ <-> 2098$ without Premium Account. | 2974$ <-> 3147$ with Premium Account.
 i Română (ro)== Skill 2 ==
=== Padurea I ===
[(1060 + random(100)) * coeficient_premium] + job_bonus
=== Padurea II ===
[(765 + random(100)) * coeficient_premium] + job_bonus
=== Padurea III ===
[(923 + random(100)) * coeficient_premium] + job_bonus