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Această pagină reprezintă versiunea tradusă a paginii Joburi:Detective, procesul de traducere fiind completat în proporție de 100%.
[ascunde]General Characteristics
- The Detective job enables you to find the location of a player.
- This job is legal.
- To become a detective, you need at least level 3.
- Players may take this job from inside the Los Santos City Hall.
- You can find the exact location of the employment point in image #1.
Advancement in Skill
- To advance from skill 1 to skill 2, you need to have used the /find command 50 times.
- To advance from skill 2 to skill 3, you need to have used the /find command 50 times. (total: 100)
- To advance from skill 3 to skill 4, you need to have used the /find command 100 times. (total: 200)
- To advance from skill 4 to skill 5, you need to have used the /find command 200 times. (total: 400)
Time limit based on skill
- On skill 1, the red checkpoint will remain active for 30 seconds.
- On skill 2, the red checkpoint will remain active for 60 seconds.
- On skill 3, the red checkpoint will remain active for 100 seconds.
- On skill 4, the red checkpoint will remain active for 180 seconds.
- On skill 5, the red checkpoint will remain permanently active.
Note: On skill 1, 2, 3 and 4, the /find command may only be used once every 2 minutes.
Specific Commands
You need to specify only the name or ID of the player you wish to find.
Example: /find Adi007
Once typed in, a red checkpoint will be set on the map. In the bottom half of the screen, the server will display periodically the distance between the detective and the target.
Moreover, the server will also display, upon execution, a chat message containing the name of the area where your target is located and the city (LS, LV, SF).