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Această pagină reprezintă versiunea tradusă a paginii Joburi:Craftsman, procesul de traducere fiind completat în proporție de 100%.
Job location can be seen in image #2. Craftsman job consists in bringing the materials necessary for the creation of the carpentry objects, their processing and transport to the House Upgrade biz. The dexterity for creating handicrafts objects will be gained over time, gaining more experience and being able to make objects of greater complexity and value.
General characteristics
- The job is legal, it's in the town of San Fierro in the King's area (near Bank SF) and you can work on it starting with level 5.
- The job has four main activities:
- renting a carpenter, a chainsaw and a protective mask from the business Craftsman (ID 160)
- bringing the materials necessary to create the objects (wood, cotton, gold and silver)
- processing materials to create a finished product
- distribution of the finished object and return to the original location of the job
- The rental is valid for 24 hours and is mandatory in order to work at the job, the rental prices being as follows:
- Carpenter - $1000 for 24 hours
- Chainsaw - $500 for 24 hours
- Mask - $500 for 24 hours
- Materials can be picked up by working on jobs, in order to earn those materials you will need to have minimum skill 5 at the following jobs:
- to get the Wood you will have to work in the job of a LumberJack
- to get Cotton you'll have to work at the Farmer's job (planting cactus) and then get the cotton after picking them
- to get Gold you will need to work on the Miner job
- to get Silver you will need to work in the Quarry Worker job
- You can own up to 5 carpentry items at a time, then you will need to sell them if you want to create more. They can all be sold at once.
- There are four categories of crafts, each with five items (chairs, tables, accessories and doors).
- The job brings you 20 XP to the marathon if it is active and 20 XP to the clan.
- Once you have managed to rent the above items, you will need to get the materials you need to create the item (you can see the materials you need with the [/craft] command). Once you have the necessary materials, return to the job location, use the [/craft] command, and create the desired object by pressing the CRAFT button. You will need to deliver the manufactured item to the House Upgrade biz (picture # 4), then return to the job location with the check received from the biz manager to collect your money.
- You will be able to create handicrafts according to your skill as follows:
- between Skill 1 and Skill 3 you will only be able to process chairs
- between Skill 4 and Skill 6 you will be able to process chairs and tables
- between Skill 7 and Skill 8 you will be able to process chairs, tables and accessories
- between Skill 9 and Skill 10 you will be able to process chairs, tables, accessories and doors
- You can work on this job with a wanted record.
- The maximum amount of materials (gold/cotton/wood/silver) that the player can collect is 999.
- You can view the amount of material you have through the orders, [/inventory], [/inventory], [/backpack] or [/inv] if you have at least skill 3 in this job.
Handcrafted items
Handcrafted items divide into several categories as follows:
- Chair 1 - you must have at least 12 pieces of wood, 0 pcs. of cotton, 76 pcs. of silver and 25 gold bars.
- Chair 2 - you must have at least 13 pieces of wood, 0 pcs. of cotton, 83 pcs. of silver and 27 gold bars.
- Chair 3 - you must have at least 14 pieces of wood, 0 pcs. of cotton, 91 pcs. of silver and 30 gold bars.
- Chair 4 - you must have at least 15 pieces of wood, 0 pcs. of cotton, 98 pcs. of silver and 32 gold bars.
- Chair 5 - you must have at least 16 pieces of wood, 10 pcs. of cotton, 106 pcs. of silver and 35 gold bars.
- Table 1 - you must have at least 18 pieces of wood, 0 pcs. of cotton, 114 pcs. of silver and 37 gold bars.
- Table 2 - you must have at least 19 pieces of wood, 0 pcs. of cotton, 121 pcs. of silver and 40 gold bars.
- Table 3 - you must have at least 20 pieces of wood, 0 pcs. of cotton, 129 pcs. of silver and 42 gold bars.
- Table 4 - you must have at least 21 pieces of wood, 0 pcs. of cotton, 136 pcs. of silver and 45 gold bars.
- Table 5 - you must have at least 22 pieces of wood, 20 pcs. of cotton, 144 pcs. of silver and 47 gold bars.
- Skateboard - you must have at least 24 pieces of wood, 0 pcs. of cotton, 152 pcs. of silver and 50 gold bars.
- Fan - you must have at least 25 pieces of wood, 0 pcs. of cotton, 159 pcs. of silver and 52 gold bars.
- Beach chair - you must have at least 26 pieces of wood, 0 pcs. of cotton, 167 pcs. of silver and 55 gold bars.
- Frame - you must have at least 27 pieces of wood, 0 pcs. of cotton, 174 pcs. of silver and 57 gold bars.
- TV - you must have at least 28 pieces of wood, 30 pcs. of cotton, 182 pcs. of silver and 60 gold bars.
- Door 1 - you must have at least 30 pieces of wood, 0 pcs. of cotton, 190 pcs. of silver and 62 gold bars.
- Door 2 - you must have at least 31 pieces of wood, 0 pcs. cotton, 197 pcs. of silver and 65 gold bars.
- Door 3 - you must have at least 32 pieces of wood, 0 pcs. of cotton, 205 pcs. of silver and 67 gold bars.
- Door 4 - you must have at least 33 pieces of wood, 0 pcs. of cotton, 212 pcs. of silver and 70 gold bars.
- Door 5 - it is necessary to have at least 34 pieces of wood, 40 pcs. cotton, 220 pcs. of silver and 72 gold bars.
Gains and particulars according to skill
Skill 1
- Chair 1: No Premium Account gets equals 6250$, with Premium account equals 9375$ and earns 3 skill points
- Chair 2: No Premium account gets equals 6875$, with Premium Account equals 10312$ and you earn 3 skill points
- Chair 3: No Premium Account gets equals 7500$, with Premium Account equals 11250$ and earn 3 skill points
- Chair 4: No Premium Account gets equals 8125$, with Premium Account equals 12187$ and earns 4 skill points
- Chair 5: No Premium account gets equals 9750$, with Premium Account is equals to 14625$ and you earn 6 skill points
- Only chairs at this skill can be produced.
- Pony will be used as a transport vehicle.
Skill 2
- Chair 1: No Premium Account gets equals 6250$, with Premium account equals 9375$ and earns 3 skill points
- Chair 2: No Premium account gets equals 6875$, with Premium Account equals 10312$ and you earn 3 skill points
- Chair 3: No Premium Account gets equals 7500$, with Premium Account equals 11250$ and earn 3 skill points
- Chair 4: No Premium Account gets equals 8125$, with Premium Account equals 12187$ and earns 4 skill points
- Chair 5: No Premium account gets equals 9750$, with Premium Account is equals to 14625$ and you earn 6 skill points
- Only chairs at this skill can be produced.
- Pony will be used as a transport vehicle.
Skill 3
- Chair 1: No Premium Account gets equals 6250$, with Premium account equals 9375$ and earns 3 skill points
- Chair 2: No Premium account gets equals 6875$, with Premium Account equals 10312$ and you earn 3 skill points
- Chair 3: No Premium Account gets equals 7500$, with Premium Account equals 11250$ and earn 3 skill points
- Chair 4: No Premium Account gets equals 8125$, with Premium Account equals 12187$ and earns 4 skill points
- Chair 5: No Premium account gets equals 9750$, with Premium Account is equals to 14625$ and you earn 6 skill points
- Only chairs at this skill can be produced.
- Pony will be used as a transport vehicle.
Skill 4
- Table 1: No Premium Account gets equals 9375$, with Premium Account equals 14062$ and you earn 5 skill points
- Table 2: No Premium account gets equals 10000$, with Premium Account equals 15000$ and you earn 5 skill points
- Table 3: No Premium Account gets equals 10625$, with Premium Account equals 15937$ and earns 6 skill points
- Table 4: No Premium account gets equals 11250$, with Premium Account equals 16875$ and earns 6 skill points
- Table 5: No Premium account gets equals 12875$, with Premium Account equals 19312$ and you gain 8 skill points
- Chairs and tables can be produced at this skill.
- Pony will be used as a transport vehicle.
Skill 5
- Table 1: No Premium Account gets equals 9375$, with Premium Account equals 14062$ and you earn 5 skill points
- Table 2: No Premium account gets equals 10000$, with Premium Account equals 15000$ and you earn 5 skill points
- Table 3: No Premium Account gets equals 10625$, with Premium Account equals 15937$ and earns 6 skill points
- Table 4: No Premium account gets equals 11250$, with Premium Account equals 16875$ and earns 6 skill points
- Table 5: No Premium account gets equals 12875$, with Premium Account equals 19312$ and you gain 8 skill points
- Chairs and tables can be produced at this skill.
- Will be used a personal vehicle as a transport vehicle.
Skill 6
- Table 1: No Premium Account gets equals 9375$, with Premium Account equals 14062$ and you earn 5 skill points
- Table 2: No Premium account gets equals 10000$, with Premium Account equals 15000$ and you earn 5 skill points
- Table 3: No Premium Account gets equals 10625$, with Premium Account equals 15937$ and earns 6 skill points
- Table 4: No Premium account gets equals 11250$, with Premium Account equals 16875$ and earns 6 skill points
- Table 5: No Premium account gets equals 12875$, with Premium Account equals 19312$ and you gain 8 skill points
- Chairs and tables can be produced at this skill.
- Will be used a personal vehicle as a transport vehicle.
Skill 7
- Skateboard: No Premium account gets equals 12500$, with Premium Account equals 18750$ and you earn 7 skill points
- Fan: No Premium account gets equals 13125$, with Premium Account equals 19687$ and earn 7 skill points
- Beach chair: No Premium Account gets equals 13750$, with Premium account equals 20625$ and earn 7 skill points
- Frame: No Premium account gets equals 14375$, with Premium Account equals 21562$ and earn 8 skill points
- TV: No Premium account gets equals 15000$, with Premium account equals 22,500$ and earns 10 skill points
- Chairs, tables and accessories can be produced at this skill.
- A personal vehicle will be used as a transport vehicle.
Skill 8
- Skateboard: No Premium account gets equals 12500$, with Premium Account equals 18750$ and you earn 7 skill points
- Fan: No Premium account gets equals 13125$, with Premium Account equals 19687$ and earn 7 skill points
- Beach chair: No Premium Account gets equals 13750$, with Premium account equals 20625$ and earn 7 skill points
- Frame: No Premium account gets equals 14375$, with Premium Account equals 21562$ and earn 8 skill points
- TV: No Premium account gets equals 15000$, with Premium account equals 22500$ and earns 10 skill points
- Chairs, tables and accessories can be produced at this skill.
- A personal vehicle will be used as a transport vehicle.
Skill 9
- Door 1: No Premium account gets equals 15625$, with Premium Account equals 23437$ and you earn 8 skill points
- Door 2: No Premium account gets equals 16250$, with Premium Account equals 24375$ and earn 9 skill points
- Door 3: No Premium Account gets equals 16875$, with Premium account equals 25312$ and earn 9 skill points
- Door 4: No Premium account gets equals 17500$, with Premium Account equals 26250$ and earn 9 skill points
- Door 5: No Premium account gets equals 19125$, with Premium account equals 28687$ and earns 11 skill points
- Chairs, tables, accessories and doors can be produced at this skill.
- A personal vehicle will be used as a transport vehicle.
Skill 10
- Door 1: No Premium account gets equals 15625$ and with Premium Account equals 23437$
- Door 2: No Premium account gets equals 16250$ and with Premium Account equals 24375$
- Door 3: No Premium Account gets equals 16875$ and with Premium account equals 25312$
- Door 4: No Premium account gets equals 17500$ and with Premium Account equals 26250$
- Door 5: No Premium account gets equals 19125$ and with Premium account equals 28687$
- Chairs, tables, accessories and doors can be produced at this skill.
- A personal vehicle will be used as a transport vehicle.
Obtaining the necessary materials
- The Wood - you can get wood by working at LumberJack, the wood gained is as follows:
- LumberJack Skill 5 - you gain 10 wood + random(9)
- LumberJack Skill 6 - you gain 15 wood + random(9)
- LumberJack Skill 7 - you gain 20 wood + random(9)
- LumberJack Skill 8 - you gain 25 wood + random(9)
- LumberJack Skill 9 - you gain 30 wood + random(9)
- LumberJack Skill 10 - you gain 35 wood + random(9)
- The Cotton - you can get cotton by working at Farmer, the cotton gained is as follows:
- Farmer Skill 5 - you get 1 cotton + random(9) for every cactus harvested
- One parcel can have 16 cactus, for a final winning of 16*(1+random(9)) with note that random(9) will vary for every cactus harvested.
- The Gold - you can get gold by working at Miner, the gold gained is as follows:
- Miner Skill 5 - 10 gold ingots + random(9)
- Miner Skill 6 - 15 gold ingots + random(9)
- Miner Skill 7 - 20 gold ingots + random(9)
- Miner Skill 8 - 25 gold ingots + random(9)
- Miner Skill 9 - 30 gold ingots + random(9)
- Miner Skill 10 - 35 gold ingots + random(9)
- The Silver - you can get silver by working at Quarry Worker, the silver gained is as follows:
- Quarry Worker Skill 5 - 10 silver + random(9)
- Quarry Worker Skill 6 - 15 silver + random(9)
- Quarry Worker Skill 7 - 20 silver + random(9)
- Quarry Worker Skill 8 - 25 silver + random(9)
- Quarry Worker Skill 9 - 30 silver + random(9)
- Quarry Worker Skill 10 - 35 silver + random(9)
Note: random(9) - represents a number random from 0 to 9
Types of cars according to skill
Dealership price: $6.150
Dealership refund: $3.690
Maximum speed: 110 KM/h
Model after: Ford E-Series 1980's & 1990's
Number of seats: 4
Skills needed: 1, 2, 3, 4
Available for tuning: TransFender
- Skill 5 - Any personal vehicle
Advancement in Skill
- To move from skill 1 to skill 2, a carpenter needs 30 skill points.
- To move from skill 2 to skill 3, a carpenter needs 60 skill points. (90 in total)
- To move from skill 3 to skill 4, a carpenter needs 120 skill points. (210 in total)
- To move from skill 4 to skill 5, a carpenter needs 240 skill points. (450 in total)
- To move from skill 5 to skill 6, a carpenter needs 200 skill points. (650 in total)
- To move from skill 6 to skill 7, a carpenter needs 250 skill points. (900 in total)
- To move from skill 7 to skill 8, a carpenter needs 300 skill points. (1200 in total)
- To move from skill 8 to skill 9, a carpenter needs 350 skill points. (1550 in total)
- To move from skill 9 to skill 10, a carpenter needs 350 skill points. (1900 in total)