Businesses:Fast-Food Chains

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Various Fast-Food Restaurants

Inside a Fast-Food restaurant, players can increase their health points (HP).


  • The B-Zone Roleplay servers each boast a total of 28 Fast-Food restaurants scattered throughout the map (not including normal restaurants and gun shops, where you can also use the /eat command).
  • The money paid to enter the business is only the entrance fee, so in order to eat (/eat) you have to pay separately ($1).
  • Every Fast-Food restaurant is marked on the map with one of the following icons (see image #2):
  1. A slice of pizza (for Well Stacked Pizza)
  2. A bell (for Cluckin' Bell)
  3. A burger (for Burger Shot)

Comenzi specifice

Bizul dispune de o singură comandă:


Prin folosirea acestei comenzi, veţi primi 20 de unităţi de viaţă şi vă va costa $1. Comanda poate fi folosită în repetate rânduri, pana ce bara de viaţă este plină. Pentru execuţia corectă şi cu succes a comenzii şi pentru a primi unităţile de viaţă, trebuie să vă aflaţi cât mai aproape de textul "Type /eat to eat" (vezi imaginea #1).

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