Other Systems: Jail

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Versiunea din 15 noiembrie 2015 22:27; autor: SuperSoldier (Discuție | contribuții) (Pagină nouă: Note: When a player is killed by a police officer, the number of seconds is calculated following the category ''without the right to surrender''. If a player is arrested, they will...)

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Female jail.png

Players who violate the rules of our RPG servers or who do not obey justice's orders are incarcerated. The punishments vary based on the gravity of their actions.

General Characteristics

  • There are two types of jail punishments:
  1. Jail time given out by policemen due to wanted.
  2. Jail time given out by server admins due to flagrant violations of the rules.
  • Detainees are usually supervised by members of National Guard.
  • A prisoner may not leave the jail.
  • A prisoner may ask a guard to escort him to the bar.
  • In the yard, prisoners may attempt to escape. Further details are available on our page dedicated to the Escaping System.
  • If detainees are violent towards fellow cell-mates, they may get punished by guards (/punish, rendering you motionless for a certain amount of seconds).
  • If a prisoner has been jailed by an admin (AJail), they cannot (/)bail out or use a lawyer.
  • All of the cells open up every half an hour and are closed 10 minutes later. Meanwhile, players can go outside the jail, in the yard. The cells are opened only between 12:00 and 00:00.
  • After the cells have been closed, National Guard members can send back to their cells all prisoners who are still outside.

Punishment Duration

Depending on the gravity of committed crimes, a player receives a wanted level. Based on this wanted level and whether or not they have the right to surrender, they may be incarcerated for:

With the right to surrender

  • Wanted 1 - 240 seconds in jail.
  • Wanted 2 - 480 seconds in jail.
  • Wanted 3 - 600 seconds in jail.
  • Wanted 4 - 840 seconds in jail.
  • Wanted 5 - 960 seconds in jail.
  • Wanted 6 - 1080 seconds in jail.

Without the right to surrender

  • Wanted 1 - 500 seconds in jail.
  • Wanted 2 - 1000 seconds in jail.
  • Wanted 3 - 1500 seconds in jail.
  • Wanted 4 - 2000 seconds in jail.
  • Wanted 5 - 2500 seconds in jail.
  • Wanted 6 - 3000 seconds in jail.

Note: When a player is killed by a police officer, the number of seconds is calculated following the category without the right to surrender. If a player is arrested, they will get a punishment according to the category with the right to surrender, based on the wanted level.

Comenzi specifice


Închisoarea deține un bar special de unde jucătorii pot să bea anumite băuturi pentru a-și majora procentul de viață. Tastarea comenzii /drink va afișa o listă a băuturilor disponibile, cât și prețul acestora.


Este comanda folosită pentru a părăsi interiorul închisorii și pentru a ajunge în curtea acesteia. Pentru a funcționa, trebuie să vă aflați lângă ușa ieșirii spre curtea închisorii. Comanda nu este specifică jailului, ea putând să fie folosită și în cazul altor sisteme (case, bizuri, etc.).


Această comandă afișează jucătorului anumite informații despre eliberarea sa contra unei sume de bani. Dacă jucătorul este dispus să plătească suma de bani afișată de server, poate continua procesul de eliberare conform instrucțiunilor oferite.