Alte sisteme:Car Market

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#1 Car Market
#2 Adding a vehicle
#3 Vehicle for sale
#4 Buy menu

Add.png Shop and tutorial vehicles cannot be added in the Market.

The Car Market allows players to sell or buy second hand vehicles easier, buying a vehicle instantly without having to search for the owner or even bargaining for a lower price.

General Characteristics

  • The Car Market is located in Las Venturas, near the pyramid (/gps: Important locations).
  • Adding or removing a vehicle in/from the market is done using /vehicles, by selecting the vehicle and then the desired option. (image #2)
  • Vehicles added in the market cannot be used while they are there.
  • Upon adding a vehicle in the market it will get spawned in its parking lot.
  • Each vehicles spawned in the market will have a 3D text near it that includes the price of the seller, the price in the Dealership, the Age and number of Kilometers. (image #3)
  • To get the best slot in the market, thus increasing your chances of selling a vehicle, you can use the Feature option from /vehicles, which costs 100 Gold and will bring your vehicle closer to the market spawn (image #1), together with adding more pronounced colors to the 3D text as well as on /market.
    • You will not be taxed with gold if there is no free slot closer to the market than the one you already have.
  • Vehicles added for sale will despawn if players go offline, freeing slots in the market.
    • Upon reconnecting the vehicles will spawn back in the market if there are free slots.
  • Vehicles added in the market cannot be driven and are locked there.
  • Interested players can enter the vehicle as a driver or passenger and will see a buying menu (image #4).
  • You can see using /market all vehicles for sale, even those that are not spawned in the parking lot.
  • Upon sending an offer to a sender he will receive a message in the chat with the offer. Each player can see the offers they received using /vehicles.
  • If you wish to accept a price offer you will have to finish the deal using /trade. A direct buy is only available if the player buys the vehicle with the initial price established by the seller.
  • Vehicles will be available for purchase starting at level 1.
  • Buyers need a Premium Account to buy sports vehicles.
  • Upon selling a vehicle loses the hidden colors and VIP status.
  • Each player can add for free 2 vehicles for sale. To add more they will have to pay a tax of 100 Gold (the vehicle also becoming automatically featured).
  • Large vehicles will be spawned in special parking slots.