Jobs:Arms Dealer
The employment location for this job is in eastern Los Santos. An arms dealer is conducting legal work only when transporting small quantities of materials. When a dealer advances in skill high enough for the quantity to become illegal, they will receive a wanted level.
[ascunde]General Characteristics
- There is a warehouse for materials in each city (Los Santos, Las Venturas and San Fierro).
- Every warehouse sells 10 materials for $1.
- The number of materials you buy must be a multiple of 10 (20, 30, 40, etc).
- Based on skill, players may carry:
- On skill 1 - 100.000 materials
- On skill 2 - 200.000 materials
- On skill 3 - 300.000 materials
- On skill 4 - 400.000 materials
- On skill 5 - 2.147.483.647 materials.
- To advance in skill, the players with this job must use /work near one of the three warehouses to begin a materials transport.
- When having reached skill 5, players may use /creategun to create guns for themselves.
- Based on skill, the materials required to create weapons (/creategun or /sellgun) will steadily decrease with 15-20 materials per skill, on average.
- On each materials transport (/work), players with skills 3 and 4 will receive a +1 wanted level and players with skill 5 will receive a +3 wanted level.
Revenues based on skill, per transport
- Skill 1 - Approximately $938 without bonuses. The average completion time for a transport is 117 seconds.
- Skill 2 - Approximately $1.010 without bonuses. The average completion time for a transport is 101 seconds.
- Skill 3 - Approximately $1.115 without bonuses. The average completion time for a transport is 95 seconds.
- Skill 4 - Approximately $1.244 without bonuses. The average completion time for a transport is 91 seconds.
- Skill 5 - Approximately $1.367 without bonuses. The average completion time for a transport is 91 seconds.
- Formula used to determine revenues:
- Skill 1 - (937 + random(10)) * premium_coefficient
- Skill 2 - (1008 + random(10)) * premium_coefficient
- Skill 3 - (1110 + random(10)) * premium_coefficient
- Skill 4 - (1238 + random(10)) * premium_coefficient
- Skill 5 - (1368 + random(10)) * premium_coefficient
- premium_coefficient is equal to 1 if you don't have a premium account and equal to 1.5 if you do have a premium account.
- random(10) is a random number between 0 and 10.
Advancement in Skill
- To advance from skill 1 to skill 2, a dealer has to complete 50 transports.
- To advance from skill 2 to skill 3, a dealer has to complete 200 transports.
- To advance from skill 3 to skill 4, a dealer has to complete 250 transports.
- To advance from skill 4 to skill 5, a dealer has to complete 500 transports.
Note: A transport means driving the materials from the warehouse to the red checkpoint on the map.
Available vehicles based on skill
- Skill 1 - Benson
- Skill 2 - Benson
- Skill 3 - Topfun Van
- Skill 4 - Topfun Van
- Skill 5 - Any personal vehicle.
Specific Commands
When using this command, the server will provide you with the appropriate vehicle, according to your skill, so you may start working. In case you are not close enough to the starting point, the server will set a checkpoint on your map, marking where you should go.
This command is used by arms dealers near one of the three warehouses to obtain materials for personal purposes. The number of bought materials must be a multiple of 10 (10, 20, 30 etc).
Example: /getmaterials 500.
Used by players to sell a certain amount of materials to another player.
To create a gun from a certain amount of materials, any player with skill 5 can use /creategun.
This is an important command, commonly used and crucial to RPG gangsters. By using it, an arms dealer can sell a gun to another player.