Factions:The Tsar Bratva

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Versiunea din 4 septembrie 2015 17:36; autor: SuperSoldier (Discuție | contribuții) (Pagină nouă: == RPG server 1(RPG1) == [http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/apply/tsarbratva Apply in The Tsar Bratva]<br />[http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/members/tsarbratva Members of The Tsa...)

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Descriere generală

The Tsar Bratva este o organizație criminală fiind totodată una dintre principalele grupuri criminale ce constituie Mafia Rusă, primordial compusă din bandiți de origine slavă, ce datează încă din secolul al XX-lea, în zona Uniunii Sovietice. Dezvoltându-se progresiv și ajungându-se la expansiune în urma stăpânirii sistemului rusesc, aceste grupuri s-au răspândit peste tot în lume.

Tsar Bratva a fost printre primele ganguri apărute funcționând prin respectarea sferelor de influentă a zonelor, prin respectarea și adaptabilitatea la noile condiții. O caracteristică importantă pentru Tsar Bratva o reprezintă interconexiunile cu puterea politică, având de asemenea relații de afaceri cu diferite organizații.

Tsar Bratva este localizata în nordul orașului Las Venturas, având ca rivali Red Dragon Triads și Southern Pimps, ducând o lupta acerba cu aceștia pentru dominarea orașului.

The faction has at its disposal 7 different types of vehicles:

  • Premier - 4 vehicles
  • Pony - 1 vehicle
  • Huntley - 3 vehicles
  • Stafford - 1 vehicle
  • Maverick - 1 vehicle
  • FCR-900 - 2 vehicles
  • Stretch - 1 vehicle

The main occupations for gangsters on the B-Zone RPG servers are wars with their rival gangs. They fight for supremacy, controlling as many turfs as possible in order to become a well-known and respected faction. To learn more about this, visit our page dedicated to Wars.

Specific Commands


When executing this command, all the unoccupied faction vehicles will be respawned. It is accessible after reaching rank 5 in any faction.


In order to change their appearance (skin) according to their rank, any faction member can use the command /clothes, only inside a clothes shop.


This command is used by gangsters to order a certain weapon package (available according to individual ranks). You only need to specify the ID of the package when using the command. Note: There are a number of 4 different weapon packages.

/backup & /cbackup

In case a member of a gang needs help, they can use /backup to ask for assistance from fellow gangsters.
To cancel an assistance request, use /cbackup.
Note: This command is also available for LSPD, SFPD, LVPD, FBI and National Guard.

/tie & /untie

Any rank 3 or above gangster can use both of these commands. All they do is to abduct and free a player, the victim being unable to move meanwhile.

/fput & /fget

You will need to specify one of the following when using /fput of /fget:

  • materials
  • drugs

To deposit materials or drugs you shall use /fput and to withdraw some, you shall use /fget.


The command displays a list with information regarding all the active car thieves encountered by the faction.

Useful Links

RPG server 1(RPG1)

Apply in The Tsar Bratva
Members of The Tsar Bratva
Complaints for The Tsar Bratva
Activity Reports of The Tsar Bratva
Logs for The Tsar Bratva
List of applications for The Tsar Bratva
Information on Wars

RPG server 2(RPG2)

Aplică în The Tsar Bratva
Membrii The Tsar Bratva
Reclamaţii The Tsar Bratva
Rapoarte de activitate The Tsar Bratva
Loguri The Tsar Bratva
Lista cu aplicaţii The Tsar Bratva
Pagina cu Waruri

RPG server 3(RPG3)

Aplică în The Tsar Bratva
Membrii The Tsar Bratva
Reclamaţii The Tsar Bratva
Rapoarte de activitate The Tsar Bratva
Loguri The Tsar Bratva
Lista cu aplicaţii The Tsar Bratva
Pagina cu Waruri

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