Factions:SF Taxi
[ascunde]General Presentation
San Fierro Taxi is situated on the peak of a mountain, far away from the noisiness and crowdedness of the city. From their headquarters in southern San Fierro, near Mount Chilliad, they are providing you with transportation services in complete safety anywhere at anytime. The faction boasts 3 different types of cabs:
- Premier Cab - 10 vehicles
- Sultan Cab - 2 vehicles
- Cabbie - 2 vehicles
When a cab driver uses the command /fare to activate their duty feature, they will be shown, on the right-hand side of the screen, a table with information containing:
- The fare's numerical value.
- Money earn from the client.
- Total of driven kilometres.
- Name of the taxi cab company you are a part of.
Specific Commands
When executing this command, all the unoccupied faction vehicles will be respawned. It is accessible after reaching rank 5 in any faction.
Pentru a vă shimba skinul în funcție de rangul deținut, orice membru al unei facțiuni poate să utilizeze comanda /clothes și numai dacă se află într-un magazin de haine.
/fare este comanda utilizată de taximetriști pentru a seta taxa pe care i-o aplică unui client. Taxa poate fi o valoare cuprinsă între $1 și $50.
Cu ajutorul acestei comenzi toate cele trei companii de taxi pot comunica între ele.
Useful Links
RPG server 1(RPG1)
Aplică în SF Taxi
Membrii SF Taxi
Reclamaţii SF Taxi
Rapoarte de activitate SF Taxi
Loguri SF Taxi
Lista cu aplicaţii SF Taxi
Roleplay server 2(RPG2)
Apply in SF Taxi
Members of SF Taxi
Complaints for SF Taxi
Activity Reports of SF Taxi
Logs for SF Taxi
List of applications for SF Taxi
RPG server 3(RPG3)
Aplică în SF Taxi
Membrii SF Taxi
Reclamaţii SF Taxi
Rapoarte de activitate SF Taxi
Loguri SF Taxi
Lista cu aplicaţii SF Taxi