General Characteristics
The Top Players tab forms the main page of the statistics. This top is updated based on the level of all players, being organised in a paged table. Moreover, in the tabs you can find the Top Referrals, the Weekly Referrals and Vehicles' statistics.
Statistics RPG1
Statistics RPG2
Statistics RPG3
Top Players
The table shows information regarding:
- Position in top
- The name of the player
- Their level
- The number of respect points
- The number of played hours on the server
- The faction of which they're a member
- Their rank, if they're part of any faction
- Their job
- The number of warnings received from the administrators.
Weekly Referrals
This tab contains a paged table with rows arranged based on the total amount of played hours by all the referred players of the referral player over a week's time. Also, the time interval corresponding to the top is displayed above the table. The table is composed of:
- Position in top
- The name of the referral player
- The total amount of played hours by the referred players
- The total amount of referred players
Top Referrals
Here you can see complete data about the referred players. The top is calculated based on the total amount of respect points gained by the referral from the referred players after they had advanced in level. The information is organised in a table using the same method as with the weekly top.
This tab also features sub-categories, in order to divide all the vehicle into:
- Personal Cars
- Personal Bikes
- Personal Boats
- Personal Aircrafts
Cele patru sub-categorii cuprind toate vehiculele disponibile în DealerShip, atat cele premium cât și cele non-premium.
Fiecare vehicul deține sub propria imagine câteva informații despre acesta:
- Numele modelului
- Prețul în DealerShip
- Numărul de vehicule de acest tip deținute de toți jucătorii serverului.
Dacă apăsați pe numărul de vehicule de un anumit tip deținute de jucătorii serverului, websiteul vă va redirecționa către o pagină ce conține un tabel cu informații. Informațiile sunt structurate în felul următor:
- Numele proprietarului vehiculului de acel tip
- Nivelul proprietarului
- Modalitatea prin care a fost cumpărat vehiculul (magazin cu moneda reală sau dealership)
- Prețul vehiculului
- Suma de bani pe care jucătorul o primește în cazul vinderii vehiculului către DealerShip.
- Ultima dată la care s-a logat jucătorul pe server.