Translations:Factiuni:Avispa Rifa/2/en

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Versiunea din 21 iulie 2015 19:27; autor: SuperSoldier (Discuție | contribuții) (Pagină nouă: = General Presentation = At the moment, we have various illegal occupations, including arms trafficking, killing people on our blacklist, drugs trafficking, and a few other secret...)

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General Presentation

At the moment, we have various illegal occupations, including arms trafficking, killing people on our blacklist, drugs trafficking, and a few other secret things known only by the leader.
The gang's members prove their weapon-wielding abilities every day against rival gangs.
Exceeding in wielding our weapons is our main objective, and so it has become even the criteria for recruiting new gangsters.
If you think your strong point is fighting members of the rival gangs amongst tall buildings, then your place is in Avispa Rifa.