[ascunde]General Characteristics
Pagina principală a statisticilor este reprezentată de topul jucătorilor. Topul este actualizat în funcție de nivelul tuturor jucătorilor, fiind afișat într-un tabel paginat. De asemenea în sub-pagini se pot găsi diferite statistici despre server ca și afacerile & casele de pe server, lista ban-urilor date etc.
Statistici RPG1
Statistici RPG2
Top Achievements
This category presents each type of achievement as well as their number.
- General Achievements (30)
- General Faction Achievements (7)
- Peaceful Faction Achievements (20)
- Gangs Achievements (13)
- Departments Achievements (21)
- Mixt Factions Achievements (13)
- Jobs Achievements (108)
- Staff Achievements (16)
- Clans Achievements (13)
- Vehicles Achievements (14)
- Combat Achievements (18)
- Special Achievements (2)
Top Players
The table shows information regarding:
- Position in top
- The name of the player
- Their level
- The number of respect points
- The number of played hours on the server
- The faction of which they're a member
- Their rank, if they're part of any faction
- Their job
- The number of warnings received from the administrators.
Note: The placement of a player is done according to his level. (image #2)
Weekly Referrals
This tab contains a paged table with rows arranged based on the total amount of played hours by all the referred players of the referral player over a week's time. Also, the time interval corresponding to the top is displayed above the table. The table is composed of:
- Position in top
- The name of the referral player
- The total amount of played hours by the referred players
- The total amount of referred players
Top Referrals
Here you can see complete data about the referred players. The top is calculated based on the total amount of respect points gained by the referral from the referred players after they had advanced in level. The information is organised in a table using the same method as with the weekly top.
Top Gold Rewards
In this category there is a paged table that includes columns arranged with the first 50 players who have the most hours in the current month without sleep. The table shows:
- Player Nickname
- Place
- Level
- Respect Points
- Faction
- Hours played in current month
This tab also features sub-categories, in order to divide all the vehicle into:
- Personal Cars
- Personal Bikes
- Personal Boats
- Personal Aircrafts
The four sub-categories are composed of all the vehicles available in the Dealership, both the premium ones, and the standard ones.
Every vehicle has some information below their image (image #4):
- The name of the model
- The price in Dealership
- The amount of vehicles of this type owned by the server's players.
If you press on the amount of vehicles of a type owned by the server's players, the website will redirect you to a new page where you can consult a detailed table. The information is organised as follows:
- The name of the owner
- The level of the owner
- The method of purchase (via the shop with real-life currency or from the dealership)
- The price of the vehicle
- The amount of money refunded by the Dealership if sold.
- Last time the owner logged on the server.
Top Achievements
In this category there are presented each types of achievement as well as their number.
- General Achievements (30)
- General Faction Achievements (7)
- Peaceful Faction Achievements (20)
- Gangs Achievements (13)
- Departments Achievements (21)
- Mixt Factions Achievements (13)
- Jobs Achievements (60)
- Staff Achievements (16)
- Clans Achievements (13)
- Vehicles Achievements (14)
- Combat Achievements (18)
- Special Achievements (2)
Top monthly played
In this category there's a paged table that shows comumns arranged with the players that have played the most hours in a month (image #1). In the table there are shown:
- The payer name
- The place he takes
- Hours played
- Level
- Their faction and rank.
Diamond Skin
Normal Skin
- Normal Skins
- În această categorie sunt afișate toate skinurile Bronze/Silver/Platinum care există pe server.
- Imaginea skinurilor Platinum contin o culoare specifică pentru a le putea indentifica mai ușor.
- Sub imaginea fiecărui skin se regăsesc următoarele informații:
- ID-ul skinului.
- Sex-ul skinului.
- Tipul skinului.
- Valoarea skin-ului în bani.
- Valoarea skin-ului în gold.
- Câte skinuri de acest tip există pe server.
- DiamondSkins
- În această categorie sunt afișate toate skinurile Diamond care există pe server.
- Imaginea skinurilor contine o culoare specifică pentru a le putea indentifica mai ușor.
- Sub imaginea fiecărui skin se regăsesc următoarele informații:
- ID-ul skinului.
- Sex-ul skinului.
- Tipul skinului.
- Câte skinuri de acest tip există pe server.
- Onyx Skins
- În această categorie sunt afișate toate skinurile Onyx care există pe server.
- Imaginea skinurilor contine o culoare specifică pentru a le putea indentifica mai ușor.
- Sub imaginea fiecărui skin se regăsesc următoarele informații:
- ID-ul skinului.
- Sex-ul skinului.
- Tipul skinului.
- Câte skinuri de acest tip există pe server.
This sub-page presents you each model of house as well as their interior (image #3). There are 3 types of interiors:
- Big
- Medium
- Small
In this category there is presented each model of business, their level and the number of businesses on the server.
- Restaurant (level 9, 7 present on the server).
- Donut Shop (level 9, 2 present on the server).
- Club (level 10, 5 present on the server).
- Casino (level 10, 4 present on the server).
- Burger Shot (level 10, 10 present on the server).
- 24/7 (level 10, 16 present on the server).
- Cluckin 'Bell (level 10, 11 present on the server).
- Pizza (level 10, 10 present on the server).
- Store Clothes (level 13, 16 present on the server).
- Pay 'n' Spray (level 15, 10 present on the server).
- Gas Station (level 15, 19 present on the server).
- Tuning Shop (level 15, 5 present on the server).
- Hotdog Company (level 17, 3 present on the server).
- War Arena (level 20, one present on the server).
- Boat Rent (level 20, one present on the server).
- Bike Rent (level 20, 3 present on the server).
- Bank (level 20, 3 present on the server).
- Racing Arena (level 20, one present on the server).
- Paintball Arena (level 20, one present on the server).
- House Upgrade (level 20, one present on the server).
- Phone Company (level 20, one present on the server).
- Car Rent (level 25, 3 present on the server).
- Hospital (level 25, one present on the server).
- Government (level 25, 5 present on the server).
- Gungame Arena (level 25, one present on the server).
- Towing Business (level 30, one present on the server).
- Gun Shop (level 30.3 present on the server).
- Car Upgrade (level 35, 3 present on the server).
- CNN (level 35, 3 present on the server).
- PUBG Arena (level 25, one present on the server).
- Poker Casino (level 10, one present on the server).
- Vehicle Insurance (level 35, one present on the server).
- White Weapons Store (level 20, 3 present on the server).
- Plane Rent (level 20, one present on the server).
- Farmer Biz (level 10, one present on the server).
- Sex Shop (level 20, 3 present on the server).