Factions:LV Taxi
General Presentation
Las Venturas Taxi Cab Company is providing you with safe and fast transportation anywhere and anytime. The location of their headquarters, in western Las Venturas, is spacious enough to cater for the parking needs of the vehicles.
When a cab driver uses the command /fare to activate their duty feature, they will be shown, on the right-hand side of the screen, a table with information containing:
- The fare's numerical value.
- Money earn from the client.
- Total of driven kilometres.
- Name of the taxi cab company you are a part of.
Faction Skins
Note: The ranks of the skins are in general, they may be different depending on the internal rules of the faction.
Skin ID 61 - Leader / Rank 6
LV Taxi Company Owner (Leader) / LV Taxi Company Manager (6)
Skin ID 253 - Rank 5 and 4
LV Shift Supervisor (5) / LV Dispatcher (4)
Skin ID 255 - Rank 3, 2 and 1
LV Cabbie (3) / LV Taxi Rookie (2) / LV Trainee (1)
Skin ID 219 - Feminin
Faction Vehicles
Vehicle: ID 420
Color: ID 6
Number of vehicles: 30
Max speed: 145 KM/h
Available in DealerShip: No
Vehicle: ID 438
Color: ID 6
Number of vehicles: 25
Max speed: 142 KM/h
Available in DealerShip: No
Vehicle: ID 560
Color: ID 6
Number of vehicles: 5
Max speed: 169 KM/h
Available in DealerShip: Yes
Vehicle: ID 487
Color: ID 6
Number of vehicles: 1
Max speed: 178 KM/h
Disponibil în DealerShip: Yes
Vehicle: ID 579
Color: ID 6
Number of vehicles: 5
Max speed: 158 KM/h
Available in DealerShip: Yes
Vehicle: ID 602
Color: ID 6
Number of vehicles: 5
Max speed: 169 KM/h
Available in DealerShip: Yes
Vehicle: ID 566
Color: ID 6
Number of vehicles: 5
Max speed: 160 KM/h
Available in DealerShip: Yes
Atunci când un un taximetrist folosește comanda /fare pentru a-și activa funcția duty, va primi în partea dreaptă a ecranului o tabelă cu informații. Tabela cuprinde:
- Valoarea tarifului setat prin comanda /fare.
- Totalul de bani câștigați din cursă.
- Totalul de kilometri parcurși.
- Numele companiei de taxi din care faceți parte.
Useful Links
Skin ID 253 - Rang 5 şi 4
LV Shift Supervisor (5) / LV Dispatcher (4)
Skin ID 255 - Rang 3, 2 şi 1
LV Cabbie (3) / LV Taxi Rookie (2) / LV Trainee (1)
Skin ID 219 - Feminin
RPG server 1(RPG1)
Apply in LV Taxi
Members of LV Taxi
Complaints for LV Taxi
Activity Reports of LV Taxi
Logs for LV Taxi
List of applications for LV Taxi
Rank 1
revenue = client_payment * 6,4
Rank 2
revenue = client_payment * 6,8
Rank 3
revenue = client_payment * 7,2
Rank 4
revenue = client_payment * 7,6
Rank 5
revenue = client_payment * 8
Rank 6 or Leader
revenue = client_payment * 8,4
- client_payment represents the money that your client owns you for the fare.
When executing this command, all the unoccupied faction vehicles will be respawned. It is accessible after reaching rank 5 in any faction.
With this command, a faction member is put into duty or out of duty. (whether or not it receives requests for licenses)
In order to change their appearance (skin) according to their rank, any faction member can use the command /clothes, only inside a clothes shop.
It is the command used by cab drivers to set a fee for their clients. The fare can range from $1 to $20. Due to abuses, the /fare command will no longer work in the taxi companies' helicopters.
Through this command, all of the three taxi cab companies can communicate with one another.
Rank 1
revenue = client_payment * 4,4
Rank 2
revenue = client_payment * 4,8
Rank 3
revenue = client_payment * 5,2
Rank 4
revenue = client_payment * 5,6
Rank 5
revenue = client_payment * 6
Rank 6 and Leader
revenue = client_payment * 6,4
Using this command, the taxi drivers will be able to see the missed calls.
Prin aceasta comandă un membru cu rang 5+ poate dezactiva chatul facțiunii pentru membrii cu rank mai mic decât cel ales de el.
Prin această comandă liderul facțiunii poate stabili rank-ul minim pentru extragerea banilor, drogurilor și respectiv al materialelor din HQ.
Prin această comandă cei care sunt desemnați cu funcția de tester de către liderul facțiunii se pot pune la datorie pentru a putea efectua teste de intrare în facțiune.
RPG server 2(RPG2)
Apply in LV Taxi
Members of LV Taxi
Complaints for LV Taxi
Activity Reports of LV Taxi
Logs for LV Taxi
List of applications for LV Taxi
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