Factions: SF School Instructors
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All applications must be forwarded in English, as SF School Instructors is mainly a foreign faction. Romanian players may still join, if they know the English language and follow the rule mentioned above. Exception on RPG2, where the faction became a normal one because of the low number of foreign players. |
[ascunde]Licenses & General Presentation
SF School Instructors can hand you anytime one of these licenses, for an amount of money mentioned in the rules of the faction:
- Weapon (permit to carry a weapon)
- Materials (you can purchase materials in order to sell weapons or the materials themselves)
- Fishing (permit for fishing)
- Flying (permit for flying an aircraft)
- Sailing (permit for sailing a ship)
Note: The amount of money required for each of these licenses varies based on the level of the candidate.
In School Instructors there is no time to waste. Here, activity, reliability, and foremost respect for your colleagues, clients and for yourself are what make this faction to always run on moral principles.
Skin ID 240 - Rang 5 şi 4
SF Manager (5) / SF Supervisor (4)
Skin ID 60 - Rang 3 şi 2
SF Senior Instructor (3) / SF Instructor (2)
Skin ID 153 - Rang 1
SF Trainee (1)
Skin ID 172 - Feminin
Don't get the wrong idea that here everything is tense, on the contrary, everything goes hand in hand.
Weekly we enjoy together a variety of activities within the faction, which are always different and some of the most spectacular.
Revenues for each license sold
- Weapon - $2.000
- Materials - $1.600
- Fishing - $500
- Flying - $1.800
- Sailing - $1.700
The level needed for buying licenses
- Weapon - level 5
- Materials - level 1
- Fishing - level 1
- Flying - level 1
- Sailing - level 1
Specific Commands
With this command, a faction member is put into duty or out of duty. (whether or not it receives requests for licenses)
When executing this command, all the unoccupied faction vehicles will be respawned. It is accessible after reaching rank 5 in any faction.
In order to change their appearance (skin) according to their rank, any faction member can use the command /clothes, only inside a clothes shop.
Through this command, all of the three school instructor factions can communicate with one another.
This command is used when an instructor starts the lesson for a client in order to grant him a license.
An instructor puts an end to a client's lesson using this command.
Any instructor ranked 1 or above can use the command. When using it, they can grant a license to a player, after having taken the tests. Example: /givelicense Adi007 Fishing
Using this command, the instructors will be able to see the missed calls.
Prin aceasta comandă un membru cu rang 5+ poate dezactiva chatul facțiunii pentru membrii cu rank mai mic decât cel ales de el.
Prin această comandă liderul facțiunii poate stabili rank-ul minim pentru extragerea banilor, drogurilor și respectiv al materialelor din HQ.
Prin această comandă cei care sunt desemnați cu funcția de tester de către liderul facțiunii se pot pune la datorie pentru a putea efectua teste de intrare în facțiune.
RPG server 1(RPG1)
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Members of School Instructors SF
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Activity Reports of School Instructors SF
Logs for School Instructors SF
List of applications for School Instructors SF
RPG server 2(RPG2)
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Members of School Instructors SF
Complaints for School Instructors SF
Activity Reports of School Instructors SF
Logs for School Instructors SF
List of applications for School Instructors SF
RPG server 2(RPG2)
Aplică în School Instructors SF
Membrii School Instructors SF
Reclamaţii School Instructors SF
Rapoarte de activitate School Instructors SF
Loguri School Instructors SF
Lista cu aplicaţii School Instructors SF