Alte sisteme:Skin Upgrades
The skin upgrade system is based on Tickets and Fragments. These are very well known in the gaming community, their purpose being to be collected from various activities such as quests, gifts, marathons and so on. These Fragments can be processed and turned into a Ticket that unlocks a lot of new things for the player.
[ascunde]General Characteristics
- There are 2 types of Fragments:
- Diamond fragments.
- Onyx fragments.
- There are 2 types of Tickets:
- Diamond tickets.
- Onyx tickets.
- The Tickets can be converted at the Egyptian Trader near War Arena LV or directly from the shop. The Egyptian Trader can be found using the command /gps -> Important Locations -> Egyptian Trader (LV). (see image #1)
- To convert a ticket of a certain type (Onyx/Diamond), you need a minimum of 5 fragments of the same type.
- There is no limit to how many fragments or tickets a player can hold.
- The number of Fragments (Onyx/Diamond) held will appear on /stats.
- The number of Tickets (Onyx/Diamond) held will appear on /stats.
Skin system
- There are 5 types of skins on B-Zone servers (Bronze/Silver/Platinum/Diamond/Onyx).
- Unlike Bronze/Silver/Platinum skins which can be purchased from a Clothes Shop, Diamond & Onyx skins can be obtained only via the upgrade of a Platinum skin.
- These 2 types can be unlocked using the above mentioned Tickets and will give the player various bonuses based on the type of skin worn.
- Players can only upgrade Platinum skins to Diamond and only Diamond skins to Onyx. So Bronze and Silver cannot be upgraded.
- Different types of skins are marked with different colours in the wardrobe (see image #2):
- Platinum Skin - Black
- Diamond Skin - Cyan
- Onyx Skin - Orange
- There is also a specific identification text above the head of the player wearing Diamond/Onyx skins (see images #3 and #4).
- Unlike other skins, Onyx and Diamond skins can be traded with other players.
Diamond & Onyx Skins
- There are a total of 100 Bonuses that the player can discover and enjoy if they own a Diamond or Onyx skin. These bonuses can create various advantages within a faction or as a player in general.
- If the player upgrades the Platinum skin to a Diamond skin:
- The player will have to pay $1,000,000.
- The player will have to pay 100 Mission Points.
- The player will have to pay 1x Diamond Ticket.
- After upgrading Platinum Skin to Diamond the player will receive 2 random bonuses out of 100 possible bonuses. These bonuses will be active only if the player wears the skin while doing a certain activity.
- If the player upgrades Diamond skin to a Onyx Skin:
- The player will have to pay $2,000,000.
- The player will have to pay 200 Mission Points.
- The player will have to pay 1x Onyx Ticket.
- After upgrading the Diamond Skin to Onyx Skin the player will receive 2 more random bonuses different from the ones already received on the Diamond Skin. Those already owned will remain intact and 2 new bonuses will be added to the upgraded skin. So the skin will have a total of 4 bonuses that will be active while the skin is worn.
- If the player is not wearing the skin then bonuses of any type will not be applied.
Reroll system
- If the player doesn't like the bonuses received and wants to change them without changing the skin altogether, he can change them using the Reroll option at Egyptian Trader (see image #5).
- Note that you will have to pay the full price again and you may receive lower or better bonuses depending on your luck.
- If you choose to use the reroll option and own a Diamond Skin, you will receive 2 more random bonuses that will replace the existing bonuses.
'Note: Bonuses are random, so there is a chance you will receive the same bonuses but with different values.
- If you own a Onyx Skin and use the reroll option, you will receive only 2 new bonuses instead of the 2 bonuses you received after upgrading from Diamond to Onyx.
- Use the /skinbonus command to check a skin's bonuses.
Health Regeneration
The player will automatically heal by a certain percentage every minute:
- Life Regeneration 5% of total life.
- Life Regeneration 10% of total life.
- Life Regeneration 15% of total life.
- Life Regeneration 20% of total life.
- Life Regeneration 25% of total life.
Food Replanish
The player will get more life when eating or drinking:
- Food Replenish 5% of total life.
- Food Replenish 10% of total life.
- Food Replenish 15% of total life.
- Food Replenish 20% of total life.
- Food Replenish 25% of total life.
Life Pickups at Wars
The player will get more health when he picks up the health pick up that gets dropped during wars:
- Health Pick Up at Wars 5% of total Intial Health Value(25hp).
- Health Pick Up at Wars 10% of total Intial Health Value(25hp).
- Health Pick Up at Wars 15% of total Intial Health Value(25hp).
- Health Pick Up at Wars 20% of total Intial Health Value(25hp).
- Health Pick Up at Wars 25% of total Intial Health Value(25hp).
La Casa De Papel
The player will be able to carry more jewels during a robbery:
- Capacity increased by 5 jewels.
- Capacity increased by 10 jewels.
- Capacity increased by 15 jewels.
- Capacity increased by 20 jewels.
- Capacity increased by 25 jewels.
The XP Farmer
The player will get the chance to take double PayDay:
- 5% chance of receiving double PayDay.
- 10% chance of receiving double PayDay.
- 15% chance of receiving double PayDay.
- 20% chance of receiving double PayDay.
- 25% chance of receiving double PayDay.
Note: This bonus will multiply if there is Fun Hours or First Payday of the Day.
The Hard Worker
Jucatorul va primi sansa de a lua dublu puncte de Skill la Job cand lucreaza:
- 5 % sansa de a primi dublu puncte de skill la job.
- 10 % sansa de a primi dublu puncte de skill la job.
- 15 % sansa de a primi dublu puncte de skill la job.
- 20 % sansa de a primi dublu puncte de skill la job.
- 25 % sansa de a primi dublu puncte de skill la job.
The Income Worker
Jucatorul va primi sansa de a lua cu 30 % mai multi bani in timpul joburilor. Nu se aplica la Fermier:
- 5 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai multi bani la joburi.
- 10 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai multi bani la joburi.
- 15 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai multi bani la joburi.
- 20 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai multi bani la joburi.
- 25 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai multi bani la joburi.
The Faction Income Worker
Jucatorul va primi sansa de a lua cu 30 % mai multi bani la raportul de activitate:
- 5 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai multi bani la raportul de activitate.
- 10 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai multi bani la raportul de activitate.
- 15 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai multi bani la raportul de activitate.
- 20 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai multi bani la raportul de activitate.
- 25 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai multi bani la raportul de activitate.
The No-Wanted Worker
Jucatorul va primi sansa de a nu primi wanted la joburile ilegale:
- 5 % sansa de a nu primi wanted la joburi ilegale.
- 10 % sansa de a nu primi wanted la joburi ilegale.
- 15 % sansa de a nu primi wanted la joburi ilegale.
- 20 % sansa de a nu primi wanted la joburi ilegale.
- 25 % sansa de a nu primi wanted la joburi ilegale.
The Stock Master
Jucatorul va primi sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai multi bani la vanzarea de Stoc Bunker:
- 5 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai multi bani la vanzarea de stoc bunker.
- 10 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai multi bani la vanzarea de stoc bunker.
- 15 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai multi bani la vanzarea de stoc bunker.
- 20 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai multi bani la vanzarea de stoc bunker.
- 25 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai multi bani la vanzarea de stoc bunker.
The Heisenberg
Jucatorul va primi o scadere a dependentei in fiecare ora:
- 5 puncte de recuperare inlaturate per ora.
- 10 puncte de recuperare inlaturate per ora.
- 15 puncte de recuperare inlaturate per ora.
- 20 puncte de recuperare inlaturate per ora.
- 25 puncte de recuperare inlaturate per ora.
The Loot Collector
Jucatorul va primi sansa de a lua cu 30 % mai mult loot la jobul de Mester:
- 5 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai mult loot la Mester.
- 10 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai mult loot la Mester.
- 15 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai mult loot la Mester.
- 20 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai mult loot la Mester.
- 25 % sansa de a primi cu 30 % mai mult loot la Mester.
The Weapon Factory
Jucatorul va avea nevoie de mai putine materiale pentru a crea arme.
- 5 % mai putine materiale pentru crearea de arme.
- 10 % mai putine materiale pentru crearea de arme.
- 15 % mai putine materiale pentru crearea de arme.
- 20 % mai putine materiale pentru crearea de arme.
- 25 % mai putine materiale pentru crearea de arme.
The Professor
Jucatorul va primi mai multi bani in timpul unui jaf:
- Cu 5.000$ mai mult la jaf.
- Cu 10.000$ mai mult la jaf.
- Cu 15.000$ mai mult la jaf.
- Cu 20.000$ mai mult la jaf.
- Cu 25.000$ mai mult la jaf.
The Prison Breaker
Jucatorul va primi secunde in plus pana la primirea wantedului atunci cand evadeaza:
- Intarziere de 5 secunde.
- Intarziere de 10 secunde.
- Intarziere de 15 secunde.
- Intarziere de 20 secunde.
- Intarziere de 25 secunde.
Nota: Wantedul este in mod normal oferit la exact 1 minut dupa evadare, jucatorii vor primi acest timp peste timpul normal inainte de a primi wanted.
The Master Robber
Jucatorul va putea efectua un jaf cu mai putine puncte de jaf:- 1 punct de jaf mai putin.
- 2 puncte de jaf mai putin.
- 3 puncte de jaf mai putin.
- 4 puncte de jaf mai putin.
- 5 puncte de jaf mai putin.
Nota: Acest bonus se va aplica la ambele tipuri de jaf (singur sau in echipa).
The Escaper
Jucatorul va putea evada folosind mai putine puncte de evadare:
- 1 punct de evadare mai putin.
- 2 puncte de evadare mai putin.
- 3 puncte de evadare mai putin.
- 4 puncte de evadare mai putin.
- 5 puncte de evadare mai putin.
The Fence Digger
Jucatorul va putea oferi mai multe daune gardului atunci cand evadeaza:
- 1 daune suplimentare per /hit.
- 2 daune suplimentare per /hit.
- 3 daune suplimentare per /hit.
- 4 daune suplimentare per /hit.
- 5 daune suplimentare per /hit.
Nota: Valoarea initiala a daunelor la /hit este de 3, daca jucatorul primeste acest bonus daunele totale vor fi adunate (3 + suma oferita de bonus).
The Wanted Dodger
Timpul de expirare a wantedului va fi redus:
- 1 minut reducere timp de expirare wanted.
- 2 minute reducere timp de expirare wanted.
- 3 minute reducere timp de expirare wanted.
- 4 minute reducere timp de expirare wanted.
- 5 minute reducere timp de expirare wanted.
Nota: Acest lucru va functiona numai atunci cand jucatorul primeste wanted in timp ce poarta acest skin. Daca primesti wanted si apoi schimbi skinul nu vei beneficia de acest bonus.
The Greedy One
Atunci cand ajungi in inchisoare vei plati mai putini bani decat o faci in mod normal:
- 100 $ mai putini bani cand ajungi in inchisoare.
- 200 $ mai putini bani cand ajungi in inchisoare.
- 300 $ mai putini bani cand ajungi in inchisoare.
- 400 $ mai putini bani cand ajungi in inchisoare.
- 500 $ mai putini bani cand ajungi in inchisoare.