Translations:Alte sisteme:Lotto/6/en

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Versiunea din 6 mai 2020 13:43; autor: Madalin (Discuție | contribuții) (Pagină nouă: * Tickets with 6 winning numbers: Such a ticket will make the entire Pot be offered to the winner. * Tickets with 5 winning numbers: Such a ticket will cause half of the Pot to be...)

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  • Tickets with 6 winning numbers: Such a ticket will make the entire Pot be offered to the winner.
  • Tickets with 5 winning numbers: Such a ticket will cause half of the Pot to be offered to the winner.
  • Tickets with 4 winning numbers: Such a ticket will cause 25% of the Pot to be offered to the winner.
  • Tickets with 3 winning numbers: Such a ticket will cause 10% of the Pot to be offered to the winner.