Factions:LV Taxi
General Presentation
Las Venturas Taxi Cab Company, este o firma de taxiuri ce iți asigură transportul sigur și la timp oricând și oriunde. Sediul facțiunii se află în vestul orașului Las Venturas, fiind o zonă destul de liberă și dispunând de spațiu suficient parcării vehiculelor. Facțiunea dispune de 4 modele de taxiuri diferite:
- Taxi Premier - 40 vehicule
- Taxi Sultan - 5 vehicule
- Taxi Cabbie - 30 vehicule
- Taxi Maverick - 1 vehicul
Atunci când un un taximetrist folosește comanda /fare pentru a-și activa funcția duty, va primi în partea dreaptă a ecranului o tabelă cu informații. Tabela cuprinde:
- Valoarea tarifului setat prin comanda /fare.
- Totalul de bani câștigați din cursă.
- Totalul de kilometrii parcurși.
- Numele companiei de taxi din care faceți parte.
Rank 1
revenue = client_payment * 4,4
Rank 2
revenue = client_payment * 4,8
Rank 3
revenue = client_payment * 5,2
Rank 4
revenue = client_payment * 5,6
Rank 5
revenue = client_payment * 6
Rank 6 and Leader
revenue = client_payment * 6,4
Rank 1
revenue = client_payment * 6,4
Rank 2
revenue = client_payment * 6,8
Rank 3
revenue = client_payment * 7,2
Rank 4
revenue = client_payment * 7,6
Rank 5
revenue = client_payment * 8
Rank 6 or Leader
revenue = client_payment * 8,4
- client_payment represents the money that your client owns you for the fare.
Specific Commands
When executing this command, all the unoccupied faction vehicles will be respawned. It is accessible after reaching rank 5 in any faction.
In order to change their appearance (skin) according to their rank, any faction member can use the command /clothes, only inside a clothes shop.
It is the command used by cab drivers to set a fee for their clients. The fare can range from $1 to $20. Due to abuses, the /fare command will no longer work in the taxi companies' helicopters.
Through this command, all of the three taxi cab companies can communicate with one another.
Using this command, the taxi drivers will be able to see the missed calls.
Useful Links
RPG server 1(RPG1)
Apply in LV Taxi
Members of LV Taxi
Complaints for LV Taxi
Activity Reports of LV Taxi
Logs for LV Taxi
List of applications for LV Taxi
RPG server 2(RPG2)
Apply in LV Taxi
Members of LV Taxi
Complaints for LV Taxi
Activity Reports of LV Taxi
Logs for LV Taxi
List of applications for LV Taxi