Factions:Avispa Rifa

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Weapon packages based on rank

Avispa Rifa mexican gang situated in southern San Fierro.

Descriere generală

Avispa Rifa este un gang mexican, localizat în sudul orașului San Fierro. În prezent, acesta are numeroase ocupații ilegale, printre care traficul cu arme, uciderea persoanelor care sunt pe lista neagră, traficul cu droguri.
Membrii mafiei dau dovadă zilnic de o iscusintă deosebită în timpul luptelor contra celorlalte ganguri rivale.
Priceperea pentru mânuirea armelor este principalul obiectiv, astfel, acest obiectiv devenind chiar criteriu pentru recrutarea noilor mafioți. Facțiunea dispune de o parcare destul de încăpătoare pentru vehiculele acesteia, dar și pentru utilizarea ei pe post de poligon de tragere.
Dacă ești de părere ca punctul tău forte este acela de a lupta cu membrii celorlalte ganguri printre cladiri înalte, atunci locul tau este in Avispa Rifa.

Facțiunea dispune de 6 modele diferite de vehicule:

  • Merit - 4 vehicule
  • Huntley - 4 vehicule
  • Buccaneer - 1 vehicul
  • Maverick - 1 vehicul
  • FCR-900 - 2 vehicule
  • Stretch - 1 vehicul

Principalele ocupații ale mafioților serverelor B-Zone RPG, sunt războaiele cu celelalte ganguri (waruri). Țelul tuturor este acela de a câștiga supremație, de a ocupa cât mai multe teritorii pentru a deveni un gang cunoscut și respectat de ceilalți. Află mai multe detalii despre războaiele între ganguri pe pagina Waruri.


For players without a premium account

Rank 1

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,1 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 2

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,2 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 3

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,3 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 4

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,4 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 5

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,5 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 6 and Leader

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,6 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

For players with premium account

Rank 1

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,6 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 2

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,7 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 3

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,8 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 4

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (1,9 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 5

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (2 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)

Rank 6 and Leader

revenue = (6300 + random(15)) * (2,1 + victory_coefficient + best_coefficient)


  • random(15) is a random number between 0 and 15.
  • victory_coefficient is equal to 0 if the turf is lost and 0,5 if the turf is won.
  • best_coefficient is 1 for the best player of the round and 0 for everyone else.

Specific Commands


When executing this command, all the unoccupied faction vehicles will be respawned. It is accessible after reaching rank 5 in any faction.


In order to change their appearance (skin) according to their rank, any faction member can use the command /clothes, only inside a clothes shop.


This command is used by gangsters to order a certain weapon package (available according to individual ranks). You only need to specify the ID of the package when using the command. Note: There are a number of 4 different weapon packages. Weapons from each package are listed in the image on the right-hand side.

/backup & /cbackup

In case a member of a gang needs help, they can use /backup to ask for assistance from fellow gangsters.
To cancel an assistance request, use /cbackup.
Note: This command is also available for LSPD, SFPD, LVPD, FBI and National Guard.

/tie & /untie

Any rank 3 or above gangster can use both of these commands. All they do is to abduct and free a player, the victim being unable to move meanwhile.

/fput & /fget

You will need to specify one of the following when using /fput of /fget:

  • materials
  • drugs

To deposit materials or drugs you shall use /fput and to withdraw some, you shall use /fget.


The command displays a list with information regarding all the active car thieves encountered by the faction.

Useful Links

RPG server 1(RPG1)

Apply in Avispa Rifa
Members of Avispa Rifa
Complaints for Avispa Rifa
Activity Reports of Avispa Rifa
Logs for Avispa Rifa
List of applications for Avispa Rifa
Information on Wars

RPG server 2(RPG2)

Apply in Avispa Rifa
Members of Avispa Rifa
Complaints for Avispa Rifa
Activity Reports of Avispa Rifa
Logs for Avispa Rifa
List of applications for Avispa Rifa
Information on Wars


RPG server 4(RPG4)

Apply in Avispa Rifa
Members of Avispa Rifa
Complaints for Avispa Rifa
Activity Reports of Avispa Rifa
Logs for Avispa Rifa
List of applications for Avispa Rifa
Information on Wars

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