Alte sisteme:Blacklist

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Alte limbi:

Un sistem de blacklist a fost implementat pentru toate facțiunile. Blacklist-ul (Lista Neagra) conține anumiți jucători care sunt nevoiți să plăteasca o sumă de bani unei facțiuni..

What happens if I don't pay?

For some of the factions, the players on the blacklist can't make use of that faction's services.

  • School Instructors : the players on the blacklist can't recieve licenses.
  • Hitmen Agency : the players won't be able to place contracts.
  • Paramedics : the players won't be able to recieve heal.

Specific commands

/blacklist (/bl) , /myblacklist (/mybl)

  • The members with rank 4+ will be able to add players on the faction's blacklist using the /blacklist (/bl) command. Using the same command, all the faction's members will see the players on the blacklist.
  • Every player can use the /myblacklist (/mybl) too see if they are on the blacklist of any faction and other similar information.