Translations:Alte sisteme:Events/9/ro

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Versiunea din 15 noiembrie 2016 20:37; autor: AlexCez (Discuție | contribuții) (Pagină nouă: == Requesting an event == 600px To request an event, the ''/requestevent'' command will be used by any player that is at least level 10.<br /> After...)

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Requesting an event


To request an event, the /requestevent command will be used by any player that is at least level 10.
After executing the command, a menu where you'll select how the event will go on is going to show up as following:

  • Event Title - determins the title of the event that will happen.
  • Minimum Level - the minimum level needed by the players to join the event.
  • Maximum Level - the maximum limit of level that a player can have to join the event.
  • Minimum Participants - the minimum number of participants the event must have to start.
  • Maximum Participants - the maximum number of participants the event can have.
  • Event Type - the type of event that is going to be created.

The available types of events are:

  1. Last man standing
  2. Last car standing
  3. Duels
  4. Protect the VIP
  5. X/O
  6. SMS
  7. Trivia
  8. Whisper
  9. Stunt
  10. Kill
  11. Find and bring
  12. Parkour
  13. Simon says
  14. Russian roulette
  15. Even/Odd
  16. Race Arena
  17. Paintball
  18. Gungame
  19. War Arena
  • Interior/Location - determins the interior or location where the event is going to take place.
  • Event Helpers - assings helpers to the event.
  • Prize - sets the event's prize.

After editing the event's settings, the player will be able to send the event for approval by pressing the Submit button.