As the title says, this page contains information about the server's players. There are several tabs that comprise the "Players" page, as follows:
Players on RPG1
Players on RPG2
Players on RPG3
Players on RPG4
Online Players
In this tab, all the connected players are listed. The listing of players is made on categories, keeping in mind the faction the player is part of (Civiliians, LSPD, National Guard, etc.), each of them having an icon with their in-game skin near the name.
Search Player
Any player logged on the website can execute searches bases on a name entered in the search box. As you type the player's name in the box, the website displays results thus far, making it very simple to search for your friends. Once the name you were looking for is displayed, you can visit their profile by just clicking on it. When you access a player's profile, categories of information about them are listed in the left-hand side menu, similar to the My Account page.
In this tab, you can view reports forwarded by the server's players. The reports are organised in a paged table that contains the following:
- The name of the reported player
- The name of the reporting player
- The date and time when the report was created
- The name of the administrator who gave a final answer to the report (if it's answered)
- The status of the report
- A button to view that report.
Note: Learn more about complaints by clicking here.
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Also, above the table, there is a box that can help any player logged on the website to search for certain reports, based on the reported player's name. |
Unban Requests
Pentru a trimite o cerere de unban către administrația serverelor RPG, se va apăsa unul dintre butoanele disponibile (Account Unban / IP Unban), în funcție de tipul de ban. Tot în această pagina sunt afișate toate cererile de unban pe care le-ați făcut de-a lungul timpului.
- Cererile pentru debanarea unui cont se pot face după maxim 3 zile de la data sancțiunii.
- Cererile pentru debanarea unui IP se pot face oricând și se pot re-trimite peste 7 zile de la ultima cerere de unban.
- Administratorii nivel 4 sau mai mare vor putea să răspundă cererilor de unban apăsând butonul Răspunde/Answer.
- Liderii facțiunilor pot vedea dacă membrii facțiunii au făcut cereri de unban în ultimele 7 zile.