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 i engleză (en)=Top Clans=
This page displays a table of all clans on the server with the following information about each clan:
*'''#:''' represents the row number.
*'''Name:''' represents the full name of the clan.
*'''Tag:''' represents the clan tag.
*'''Clan Level:''' represents the current clan level.
*'''Date created:''' represents the date when the clan was founded.
*'''Members:''' represents the number of current members out of the maximum number of members available.
*'''HQ:''' reprints the clan's availability for an HQ.
**'''None''' means this clan does not have an HQ. Any other number between 0 and 42 is the HQ's in-game ID.
*'''Minimum level:''' represents the minimum level you need to be able to apply to the clan.
*'''Application status:''' represents the status of applications for the clan, whether they are open or closed.
*'''Apply:''' represents whether or not you can apply in that clan.
Each clan owner has a specific control panel on the website, similar to that of faction leaders, where he can invite, kick out members or issue warnings in clan and ranks.
 i Română (ro)[ '''Clanuri''' RPG1]<br />
[ '''Clanuri''' RPG2]<br />
[ '''Clanuri''' RPG3]<br />
[ '''Clanuri''' RPG4]<br />