Toate traducerile

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S-a găsit o traducere.

NumeTextul curent
 i engleză (en)*'''To modify the text:''' choose the option to modify the text, then in the box that appears, enter the text you want to be displayed.
*'''To change the color:''' choose the change color option, then in the box that appears, enter an RGB color code, you can use this site to choose the color ([ /colors/colors_picker.asp Color Picker]).
*'''To change the position:''' select the option to change the position, then from the displayed dialog choose the coordinate axis you want to change ('''X / Y / Z''').
**Once the coordinate axis is chosen you must enter a value between 0 (default position) and 10 (maximum allowed distance from the default position).
*'''For texts in multiple colors:''' choose the option to modify the text, then in the box that appears, enter the text together with the desired color codes according to the following format:
**''{FF0000}B-Zone {00FF00}Community''
**You always enter the desired color code between the aqualades.