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 i engleză (en)=Refrain from certain activities=
Some activities, whether legal or illegal, may be harmful to users and may violate our rules, and some activities may also be liable to you. Therefore, for your own protection and for others, you do not have to engage in these activities on our site. These activities include:
* Infringement of copyright, trademarks, patents or other private rights under the law.
* Scan or test vulnerabilities of any technical system or network failing to meet all of the following conditions:
1. such actions do not over-abuse or disrupt our technical systems and networks;<br />
2. such actions are not made for the purpose of obtaining personal benefits (except for the credit of your work);<br />
3. Report to the Wiki administrators any vulnerabilities found; and<br />
4. Do not perform such actions for malicious or destructive purpose.