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 i engleză (en)== Conducting the race ==
* After choosing the prize, the race type and the finish line, the players will have 10 seconds to get ready for the race.<br />
* After the 10 seconds have elapsed, the players will be frozen for 3 seconds, while the race will start.<br />
* The first player to reach the finish line will win the race's prize.<br />
'''Notes:'''<br /> 
''If any of the players will leave the vehicle for any reason, the other player will automatically win the race without having to reach the finish line.''<br />
''The race's prize will be set by the player who initiates the race using the command /race, the money being automatically transfered at the end of the race.''<br />
''The race's prize can't be lower that $1 or higher that $1.000 (for players without a premium account), and $2.000 (for players that have a premium account).''