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 i engleză (en)* War participants can fire in boxes to destroy them. The clan that causes at least half of the box's HP will get the bonus points it haves.
* The bonus box points will also be given to war participants that cause at least 250 HP damage to the box.
* There can be multiple boxes spawned at a time, but in the graphic interface above the radar you will only see the last spawned box.
* The war winner will be the clan with the highest result after adding the KDR with the total bonus from boxes.
* At the end of the war there will be a graphic interface with the winner, looser and other info about the war.
* Both clans will receive XP to the clan, like so:
** '''The Winner''': formula - '''XP max per member * max participants per clan * 2'''
** '''The Looser''': formula - '''XP max per member * max participants per clan'''
*** As you can see the winner receives double the XP of the looser.