Factions:News Reporters

De la B-Zone Wiki
Versiunea din 13 august 2015 01:30; autor: SuperSoldier (Discuție | contribuții) (Pagină nouă: == /news == When using this command, a reporter sends a message across the entire server, visible to all players.)

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General Presentation

The everyday activity of a reporter is writing newspapers, broadcasting breaking news, interviewing players, and, occasionally, organising exquisite contests.
The News Reporters faction has earned its respect from the way we handle certain situations, but also from raising your members well, who prove their good manners anytime they get a chance, by helping all the players in need.

The potential recruits of News Reporters have to be receptive during the testing period, to be careful of the way the speak and act. Also, all the applicants are required to possess the basic principles of our faction: respect, attention, selflessness, the ability to write grammatically correct; without these you cannot become a News Reporters member.
The faction's motor pool consists of 7 News Van vehicles and one Maverick helicopter. Their headquarters are located to the west of Las Venturas, in the desert.

Specific Commands


When executing this command, all the unoccupied faction vehicles will be respawned. It is accessible after reaching rank 5 in any faction.


In order to change their appearance (skin) according to their rank, any faction member can use the command /clothes, only inside a clothes shop.


It's being used by reporters to write a new paper or to delete an existing one. You will need to specify two elements when using the command: DELETE/WRITE and the paper's ID.
Example for writing a paper: /paper WRITE 1.


Displays a list of all the available papers at that point in time, specifying the author and its title.


The /duty command enables some features for a reporter, such as /news.


When using this command, a reporter sends a message across the entire server, visible to all players.


Această comandă se folosește pentru a adăuga sau a scoate pe cineva dintr-un interviu live. Mesajele din interviu pot fi văzute de către toți jucătorii serverului. Comanda folosește ca parametru ID-ul sau numele jucătorului: Exemplu pentru a adăuga/scoate o persoană din interviu: /live Adi007

Useful Links

RPG server 1(RPG1)

Aplică în News Reporters
Membrii News Reporters
Reclamaţii News Reporters
Rapoarte de activitate News Reporters
Loguri News Reporters
Lista cu aplicaţii News Reporters

RPG server 2(RPG2)

Aplică în News Reporters
Membrii News Reporters
Reclamaţii News Reporters
Rapoarte de activitate News Reporters
Loguri News Reporters
Lista cu aplicaţii News Reporters

RPG server 3(RPG3)

Aplică în News Reporters
Membrii News Reporters
Reclamaţii News Reporters
Rapoarte de activitate News Reporters
Loguri News Reporters
Lista cu aplicaţii News Reporters

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