Factions:LS Taxi

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General Presentation

Do you like driving? The company is weekly recruiting drivers eager to show what they're capable of.
Prove how serious and active you are and you might get the chance to drive one of the cutting-edge cars from our company's garage.
Money is not a problem, so every week employees of the Los Santos Taxi company are rewarded based on how hard they have been working.
There is plenty of fun as well. Ranging from car races to fights in the boxing ring, there are weekly events organised within the faction, and also, the winners get rewarded.
We are waiting for you to join our company and we encourage you to use our services.

Comenzi specifice


Prin executarea comenzii, toate vehiculele neocupate ale facțiunii vor fi respawnate. Comanda este accesibilă de la rang 5 în orice facțiune.


Pentru a vă shimba skinul în funcție de rangul deținut, orice membru al unei facțiuni poate să utilizeze comanda /clothes și numai dacă se află într-un magazin de haine.


/fare este comanda utilizată de taximetriști pentru a seta taxa pe care i-o aplică unui client. Taxa poate fi o valoare cuprinsă între $1 și $50.


Cu ajutorul acestei comenzi toate cele trei companii de taxi pot comunica între ele.

Useful Links

Roleplay server 1(RPG1)

Apply in LS Taxi
Members of LS Taxi
Complaints for LS Taxi
Activity Reports of LS Taxi
Logs for LS Taxi
List of applications for LS Taxi

Roleplay server 2(RPG2)

Apply in LS Taxi
Members of LS Taxi
Complaints for LS Taxi
Activity Reports of LS Taxi
Logs for LS Taxi
List of applications for LS Taxi

Roleplay server 3(RPG3)

Apply in LS Taxi
Members of LS Taxi
Complaints for LS Taxi
Activity Reports of LS Taxi
Logs for LS Taxi
List of applications for LS Taxi

Similar Pages

• SF Taxi
• LV Taxi