Factions:Tow Truck Company

De la B-Zone Wiki
Versiunea din 12 august 2015 22:12; autor: SuperSoldier (Discuție | contribuții) (Pagină nouă: == /towpoints == Through this command, a mechanic is able see how many more vehicles they can tow. For every towed vehicle, a Tow Point shall be subtracted.)

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General Presentation

Ai ramas cu masina in pana? Nu mai ai benzina? Tow Truck Company are mereu mechanici calificati si bine pregatiti pentru a te ajuta oriunde si oricand. Masina ta va fi tractata iar tu nu o sa intarzii la job. Fiecare mecanic este atent examinat de supervizori pentru a-ți oferi ție si celorlalți jucători, servicii la o calitate înaltă.

This factions's members are mainly responsible for clearing the streets by towing illegally parked vehicles to a secure location. Moreover, the mechanics of Tow Truck Company also handle vehicle repairs and providing them with gas. Occasionally, meetings between the members are being held to host debates about their activity reports and also about possible promotions.

The faction has at its disposal 3 different types of vehicles:

  • Tow Truck - 13 vehicles
  • Utility - 1 vehicle
  • Maverick - 1 vehicle

Specific Commands


When executing this command, all the unoccupied faction vehicles will be respawned. It is accessible after reaching rank 5 in any faction.


In order to change their appearance (skin) according to their rank, any faction member can use the command /clothes, only inside a clothes shop.


This command activates one of the red checkpoints available in each large city, in order to allow members to tow illegally parked vehicles towards these checkpoints. You will need to specify the acronym of the city in which you want to tow the vehicle. Example: /tow LS - will activate a red checkpoint in Los Santos.


Through this command, a mechanic is able see how many more vehicles they can tow. For every towed vehicle, a Tow Point shall be subtracted.

Useful Links

RPG server 1(RPG1)

Apply in Tow Truck Company
Members of Tow Truck Company
Complaints for Tow Truck Company
Activity Reports of Tow Truck Company
Logs for Tow Truck Company
List of applications for Tow Truck Company

RPG server 2(RPG2)

Aplică în Tow Truck Company
Membrii Tow Truck Company
Reclamaţii Tow Truck Company
Rapoarte de activitate Tow Truck Company
Loguri Tow Truck Company
Lista cu aplicaţii Tow Truck Company

RPG server 3(RPG3)

Aplică în Tow Truck Company
Membrii Tow Truck Company
Reclamaţii Tow Truck Company
Rapoarte de activitate Tow Truck Company
Loguri Tow Truck Company
Lista cu aplicaţii Tow Truck Company

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