Other Systems: Clans
- 1 General Characteristics
- 2 The Level System
- 3 Wars System
- 4 Clan Spray System
- 5 Clan Duty
- 6 Clan's Safe (Gold)
- 7 Clan's HQ
- 8 Clan Vehicles
- 9 Specific commands
- 9.1 /clanmembers
- 9.2 /c
- 9.3 /claninvite
- 9.4 /tog
- 9.5 /clanresign
- 9.6 /setclanowner
- 9.7 /spray
- 9.8 /clanxp
- 9.9 /clanzones
- 9.10 /clancolor
- 9.11 /cmotd
- 9.12 /clanrename
- 9.13 /clanleaders
- 9.14 /clans
- 9.15 /ctalkpower
- 9.16 /claimhq
- 9.17 /leavehq
- 9.18 /interiorhq
- 9.19 /claninfo
- 9.20 /cvs
- 9.21 /cvr
- 9.22 /buyclanvehicle
- 9.23 /clanturfs
- 9.24 /topclan
- 9.25 /clandeposit
- 9.26 /clanwithdraw
- 9.27 /clanwithdrawpower
- 9.28 /clanputmaterials
- 9.29 /clangetmaterials
- 9.30 /clanputdrugs
- 9.31 /clangetdrugs
- 9.32 /clangoldwithdraw
General Characteristics
- Clans have a few systems that stand out: the level system, the spray system and the clan wars system.
- Clans can be defined as some private organizations which you can join via invite or application.
- Current clan sizes on the servers are: small (15 slots), medium (25 slots), big (50 slots), mega (75 slots).
- Clans can form alliances between them.
- Using the /clans command you can view a list of all existent clans on the server together with some information about them.
- For details about clans in the shop visit: Shop:Clans/en.
The Level System
- Any newly created clan starts from level 1.
- The level of a clan is lost if the clan is deleted!
- The current level of the clan can be seen using /clanxp (image #1).
- Using the arrows you can view other existing levels, needed XP and what benefits they bring.
- For a clan to advance in level it needs to gather a certain amount of XP (image #1).
- The XP can be obtain by a clan member that has at least one day in the clan, by different activities on the server that give out points.
- The maximum level a clan can have at this moment is level 20.
XP Activities
- /spray - gives 1 XP, the player can gather up to 30 XP per day from this activity.
- Rob - 1 XP for each rob point spent (10 XP for a successful rob).
- Escape - 1 XP for each escape point spent (20 XP for a successful escape).
- Daily Tasks - 3 XP for each completed task.
- Missions - 10 XP for each completed mission.
- Shop - 30 XP for each /shop purchase.
- Transporter - 3 XP for each completed drive.
- Drugs/Arms Dealer - 4 XP for each completed drive.
- Car Jacker - 10 XP for each delivered car.
- Trucker - 5 XP for each completed drive.
- Quarry Worker - 3 XP for each completed drive.
- Garbageman - 6 XP for each completed drive.
- Lumberjack / Miner - 3 XP for each completed drive.
There is a maximum XP limit a player can gather in a day, established by the clan level. You can find more details about the limit in the Level Benefits chapter.
The XP gathered by a player does not get deleted if the player leaves the clan and rejoins it later on.
Level Benefits
- Clan Level 1 - start level:
- 50 XP maximum per membru, 1x XP per activity.
- Clan Level 2 - 5,625 XP needed:
- 60 XP maximum per membru, 1.1x XP per activity.
- Clan Level 3 - 13,500 XP needed:
- 70 XP maximum per membru, 1.2x XP per activity.
- Clan Level 4 - 23,625 XP needed:
- 80 XP maximum per membru, 1.3x XP per activity.
- $1,000 clan payday
- This sum of money is added to the clan safe at each payday.
- Clan Level 5 - 36,000 XP needed:
- 90 XP maximum per membru, 1.4x XP per activity.
- 1 HQ Claim
- With it the clan owner can claim an available HQ on the map using /claimhq at the HQ entrance, imaginea #4.
- There is the possibility to buy extra HQ Claims from the /shop if the owner wishes to change the HQ.
- Giving up a HQ can be done using /leavehq.
- Claimed HQs automatically get the standard interior: Off Track Betting.
- 5% Clan Job
- This means that 5% of the money the clan members receive from jobs is added to the clan safe, without extracting the money from the player's actual job payment.
- This money gathered from jobs can be later on used for buying clan vehicles.
- Clan Level 6 - 50,625 XP needed:
- 100 XP maximum per membru, 1.5x XP per activity.
- 2 Clan Car Slots
- These slots can be used by the clan owner to buy clan vehicles from the Dealership using /buyclanvehicle (image #5).
- The vehicles can be sold back to the Dealership for 60% of their value.
- They can also be sold to other clan owners that have free slots via trade.
- They can be controlled using /cvs (image #6 and #7).
- They can also be parked using /park.
- At this clan level the vehicles can value up to $500,000.
- 10,000 Materials Lab
- In the clan safe 10,000 Materials will be added at each payday.
- Clan Level 7 - 67,500 XP needed:
- 110 XP maximum per membru, 1.6x XP per activity.
- 10g Drugs Lab
- In the clan safe 10 grams of Drugs will be added at each payday.
- 1 Clan HQ Interior Slot
- These slots can also be bought from the /shop starting from level 7.
- Slots can be used for changing the HQ interior by using /interiorhq and selecting an interior from the list.
- Interiors available at this level are: Off Track Betting, Meat Factory, Jefferson Motel.
- Clan Level 8 - 86,625 XP needed:
- 120 XP maximum per membru, 1.7x XP per activity.
- 2 extra Clan Car Slots
- The clan owner can buy two extra clan vehicles.
- The maximum price of a vehicle is raised now to $1,000,000.
- $2,000 clan payday
- 10% Clan Job
- Clan Level 9 - 108,000 XP needed:
- 130 XP maximum per membru, 1.8x XP per activity.
- Clan Vehicle Minimum Rank
- This means that clan vehicles can now have set a minimum rank to drive them using /cvs.
- 1 New Interior
- Interiors available at this level are: Off Track Betting, Meat Factory, Jefferson Motel, LS Atruim.
- Clan Level 10 - 131,625 XP needed:
- 140 XP maximum per membru, 1.9x XP per activity.
- 20,000 Materials Lab
- 2 extra Clan Car Slots
- The clan owner can buy two extra clan vehicles.
- The maximum price of a vehicle is raised now to $2,000,000.
- Wars 5 versus 5 between Clans
- You can find out more details about wars at the Wars System.
- Clan Level 11 - 157,500 XP needed:
- 150 XP maximum per membru, 2.0x XP per activity.
- 15% Clan Job
- Clan Level 12 - 185,625 XP needed:
- 160 XP maximum per membru, 2.1x XP per activity.
- $3,000 clan payday
- Clan Level 13 - 216,000 XP needed:
- 170 XP maximum per membru, 2.2x XP per activity.
- 20g Drugs Lab
- 1 New Interior
- Interiors available at this level are: Off Track Betting, Meat Factory, Jefferson Motel, LS Atruim, Madd Dogg.
- Clan Level 14 - 248,625 XP needed:
- 180 XP maximum per membru, 2.3x XP per activity.
- 20% Clan Job
- 30,000 Materials Lab
- Clan Level 15 - 283,500 XP needed:
- 190 XP maximum per membru, 2.4x XP per activity.
- 2 extra Clan Car Slots
- The clan owner can buy two extra clan vehicles.
- The maximum price of a vehicle is raised now to $10,000,000.
- Clan Level 16 - 320,625 XP needed:
- 200 XP maximum per membru, 2.5x XP per activity.
- $4,000 clan payday
- 1 New Interior
- Interiors available at this level are: Off Track Betting, Meat Factory, Jefferson Motel, LS Atruim, Madd Dogg, LV Police HQ.
- Clan Level 17 - 360,000 XP needed:
- 210 XP maximum per membru, 2.6x XP per activity.
- 25% Clan Job
- Clan Level 18 - 401,625 XP needed:
- 220 XP maximum per membru, 2.7x XP per activity.
- 40,000 Materials Lab
- Clan Level 19 - 445,500 XP needed:
- 230 XP maximum per membru, 2.8x XP per activity.
- 30g Drugs Lab
- 1 New Interior
- Interiors available at this level are: Off Track Betting, Meat Factory, Jefferson Motel, LS Atruim, Madd Dogg, LV Police HQ, Pleasure Domes.
- Clan Level 20 - 491,625 XP needed:
- 240 XP maximum per membru, 2.9x XP per activity.
- Wars 10 versus 10 between Clans
- You can find out more details about wars at the Wars System.
Wars System
- At this time the system is not yet finished.
Clan Spray System
- There is a system keeping competition between server clans, based on spraying walls with graffiti (image #8).
- Killing enemies (rival clan members) is allowed if you are on duty (/clanduty)
- There are a total of 45 walls on which clan members may write their clan's name and TAG, 15 in each of the 3 cities.
- For information regarding the location of clan walls, use /clanzones.
- Every day at 19:00 (RO, GMT+2), gold revenues for each clan are calculated. The clan that owned a zone the longest will receive 10 Gold. For example: if a clan owned 3 zones the longest, it will receive 30 Gold. During the night (02:00 - 07:59 GMT+2), this time is not taken into account.
- The time a clan controls a zone is measured in point. For each zone, there is a maximum of 540 points.
- To start the marking process on the wall, you must use /spray.
- The /spray command works only if you are close enough to the wall you wish to mark and if you are on-duty.
- You may not use the /spray command between 02:00 and 07:59 (RO, GMT+2).
- Once the command is executed, the player has 90 seconds to finish marking the wall.
- If clan members do not manage to mark the wall 100% in 90 seconds, then the wall becomes again available for marking.
- While members of a clan mark a wall, none of the members of a rival clan may use /spray on that wall.
- The only way of defending clan walls is to remove the other clans' members from that zone, using various methods (for example, killing them).
- When a clan member uses /spray, an informative message is sent to the clan members who control the attacked zone.
- A mark on the wall is composed of the clan's name in the upper side and its TAG on the bottom side.
Clan Duty
- To become an on-duty clan member, you should use /clanduty.
- On clan duty players cannot receive a wanted level if they are on a zone and are killing other clan members.
- On clan duty players who are on one of the zones cannot be hurt by other players outside of clans.
Clan's Safe (Gold)
- Only its leader may use the Gold earned by the clan.
- The leader may offer Gold to clan members by using /clangoldwithdraw.
- Using the Gold earned by the clan, a leader can purchase a new colour for their clan via /clancolor.
Clan's HQ
- Only members of the clan who owns the HQ can enter.
- Other members, allied or not, can not enter inside that HQ.
- The command /ram can be used to enter forcefully inside the HQ, the only ones who can use it being Department and Hitmen Agency members.
Note: The use of /ram should respect the rules and regulations of the player's respective faction.
Clan Vehicles
- Clanurile pot deține vehicule începând cu nivelul 6.
- Cu cât nivelul clanului este mai ridicat, cu atât vehiculele pe care le poate deține sunt mai scumpe. Pentru prețul maxim al vehiculelor în funcție de nivelul clanului vizitați capitolul Beneficii Niveluri.
- Comanda /cvs permite accesarea garajului clanului.
- De aici pot fi controlate vehiculele precum: spawn/despawn, tractare, deblocare, vânzare în Dealership, convertire la vehicul VIP, schimbare text/culoare VIP, setare rank minim pentru folosire.
- Comanda /cvr respawnează toate vehiculele nefolosite ale clanului.
- Comanda /park se folosește la parcarea unui vehicul de clan.
- Doar membrii care au rankul minim să conducă respectivul vehicul îl pot parca.
- Comenzile /carcolor și /hiddencolor vor fi folosite pentru schimbarea permanentă a culorii vehiculului.
- Comanda /buyclanvehicle va fi folosită la Dealership pentru a cumpăra un vehicul de clan.
- Vehiculele de clan au plăcuțe prestabilite cu tagul clanului iar acestea nu pot fi modificate.
- Vehiculele de clan nu au kilometraj stocat, după respawnare le este resetat HP-ul, tuningul, combustibilul.
- Vehiculele de clan pot fi cumpărate din Dealership chiar dacă acestea nu sunt pe stoc.
- Stocul va afișa epuizat numai pentru vehiculele pe care nivelul curent al clanului nu le poate cumpăra încă. Mai multe detalii la capitolul Beneficii Niveluri.
- Vehiculele de clan pot fi revândute la Dealership pe 60% din valoarea lor sau altor clan owneri a căror clan deține nivelul minim pentru acele vehicule și are sloturi libere.
- Proprietarul acestor vehicule de clan este însuși clanul, acestea neavând proprietar pe un anumit jucător.
- Vehiculele de clan își pierd atribuțiile de hidden color sau VIP dacă sunt vândute unui alt clan owner.
- Dacă clanul este vândut în totalitate unui alt jucător atunci vehiculele de clan își păstrează proprietățile de hidden și VIP.
- Vehiculele sunt transferate în mod automat atunci când clanul este vândut prin /trade.
Specific commands
This command will show all the clan members (online, offline, afk) and also:
- The player's name
- Last login date
- The rank
- The number of Clan Warns
This command can be used to talk with the members of your clan.
Această comandă permite invitarea unui jucător în clan.
Această comandă permite blocarea/deblocarea anumitor lucruri care țin de clan precum chatul clanului.
Această comandă permite părăsirea clanului sau renunțarea la el în cazul în care ownerul o folosește.
Această comandă permite transferul statutului de clan owner unui alt jucător.
This command can be used to conquer clan zones (clan turfs) for your clan. To use this command you need to be on clan duty.
Această comandă afișează nivelul curent al clanului, XP-ul deținut cât și XP-ul necesar pentru deblocarea următoarelor niveluri, cât și beneficiile fiecărui nivel de clan în parte.
This command will show you a table with all the clan zones and the name of the clans that own them.
Această comandă permite schimbarea culorii tag-ului clanului.
Această comandă permite setarea unui mesaj informativ care va fi afișat mereu la conectarea pe server pentru membrii clanului.
Această comandă permite redenumirea clanului.
Această comandă permite vizualizarea unei liste cu clan ownerii.
Această comandă permite vizualizarea unei liste cu toate clanurile disponibile și câteva detalii despre ele.
Această comandă permite stabilirea unui rank minim pentru a putea comunica pe chatul clanului.
Această comandă permite dobândirea unui HQ de clan de la un anumit nivel.
Această comandă permite renunțarea la HQ-ul de clan curent.
Această comandă permite modificarea interiorului curent al HQ-ului cu altul nou.
Această comandă permite vizualizarea anumitor detalii despre clan precum: XP-ul clanului, sloturi vehicule, sloturi Claim HQ, sloturi Interior HQ.
Această comandă accesează garajul clanului de unde pot fi controlate vehiculele.
Această comandă permite respawnearea tuturor vehiculelor nefolosite ale clanului.
Această comandă permite achiziționarea de vehicule pentru clan din Dealership.
This command has the same effect as /trufs, but for the clan zones.
This command will show you the best clans on the servers and the number of zones they own.
This command allows you to deposit money in the clan's safe.
This command allows you to withdraw money from the clan's safe.
Această comandă permite stabilirea unui rank minim pentru folosirea comenzii /clanwithdraw.
This command allows you to deposit materials in the clan's safe.
This command allows you to withdraw materials from the clan's safe.
This command allows you to deposit drugs in the clan's safe.
This command allows you to withdraw drugs from the clan's safe.
This command allows the clan leader to offer Gold from the clan's safe to a certain member.