The wars' page is designated mostly to the gangsters of the RPG servers. This page contains a few sub-categories (tabs) present on the left-hand side of the website.
Wars RPG1
Wars RPG2
Wars RPG3
Waruri RPG4
Here, any player can see a map of the game with gang turfs overlaid. The colour of the turfs is updated in real-time and corresponds with the one displayed when using the /turfs command in-game. Any rank 4 or above gangster can attack other gangs. To do so, the gangster needs to click one of the turfs on this page and then fill in a short form for the attack to be validated. The attackers need to to this as fast as possible, because there is a limit for the number of attacks daily.
In this tab, there is a table informing players about future wars. The table offers information in regards to:
- The name of the turf where the fight will take place
- The name of the attacking gang
- The name of the defending gang
- Time window in which the war takes place
- The war's statistics accessible via a button.
Top Gangsters
The page contains a table, in which all the gang members are listed, showing information about the wars:
- Number of kills.
- Number of deaths.
- Total number of seconds spent on turfs.
- Number of wars the player took part in.
- Total number of points acumulated in wars.
Besides this information, other general information will be shown: the player name, the faction, the level, the faction rank.
View All
This tab contains a paged table with information about all the wars that have already been fought. Besides the information in the "Upcoming" tab, here are also specified scores for both of the gangs involved.
Interdiction List
This page shows all the players who have an interdiction in gangs. The table will also specify the date of adding, expiring and other information about the interdiction.
Interdiction Requests
Pentru ca un jucător să ajungă pe lista celor interziși la war-uri, va trebui să fie mai întai supus unui vot. Liderii de gang-uri și administratorii serverului vor putea crea o nouă sesiune de vot, prin care se va decide interdicția unui anumit jucător.
- În cadrul unei cereri de interdicție, liderii de gang-uri vor vota dacă sunt pentru sau contra interzicerii jucătorului respectiv (liderii au 3 zile la dispoziție să voteze), ținând cont de dovezile prezentate de reclamant.
- Dacă cel puțin 5 din 9 voturi sunt pentru interzicere, jucătorul respectiv nu va mai avea dreptul să participe la war-uri.
- De asemenea, există un formular de comentarii cu ajutorul căruia se va putea discuta pe tema respectivă.