Shop:Cash Money Packs

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Money pack.jpg

You can become a rich and important figure who is always highly though of by following a few simple steps. The B-Zone community's shop (/shop) makes you rich!
Note: Learn how to buy gold on our page dedicated to Buying Gold.

Add.png The prices in gold listed below are standard values. It is possible to find cheaper products in-game if you plan on purchasing in a time of discounts.

Available Money Packs

Right now, the server offers 10 such packages of various prices and sizes.

  • $18.000 Cash Money - 200 Gold
  • $57.000 Cash Money - 600 Gold
  • $100.000 Cash Money - 1000 Gold
  • $210.000 Cash Money - 2000 Gold
  • $345.000 Cash Money - 3000 Gold
  • $500.000 Cash Money - 4000 Gold
  • $810.000 Cash Money - 6000 Gold
  • $1.160.000 Cash Money - 8000 Gold
  • $1.600.000 Cash Money - 10.000 Gold
  • $3.500.000 Cash Money - 20.000 Gold

As soon as you buy one of these packages, you will be transferred the money immediately.

How to buy

Follow these steps:

  1. Visit the community's shop using /shop.
  2. Select from the list an item whose name follows the template: amount of money Cash Money - price Gold.
  3. The server will display some information about the purchase you are about to make.
  4. After having read the information, if everything is right by you, press Order.
  5. Congratulations! You are now richer.