Useful Commands: Businesses

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Versiunea din 2 decembrie 2015 01:56; autor: SuperSoldier (Discuție | contribuții) (Pagină nouă: This enables you to set an entrance fee for your business. <br /> Each player that enters the business must pay this fee. <br /> It is successfully executed only if you have chosen...)

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General Characteristics

  • If the front door of the business is not locked, any player may use the commands /enter and /exit. Otherwise, these are solely available to the owner.
  • To learn every command related to businesses, whose explanation resides in this page, you can use the in-game command "/businesshelp".
  • Find more information about businesses on our page dedicated to Businesses.



Using this command, a business owner can enable a radio or YouTube stream in its interior. When inside the building, players listen to the radio station or YouTube soundtrack set by the owner. When using /bizradio in a business not owned by you, you can toggle the audio streams on and off. Moreover, the stream can be stopped by the owner via the same command.


The /enter command is commonly used to enter buildings, in this case, businesses. It is successfully executed (meaning you manage to enter the business) only if you are close enough to the door. For a quicker access, you can use its equivalent, the F key.


The /exit command is commonly used to exit buildings, in this case, businesses. It is successfully executed (meaning you manage to exit the business) only if you are close enough to the door. For a quicker access, you can use its equivalent, the F key.


This command allows you to lock/unlock your business.
If you choose to lock it, only you may enter the building.
The command is available only if you own a business.
It is successfully executed when you are inside the business and as close as possible to the front door.


The command enables you to sell your business to the state. Following the transaction, you only get the money stored in your business's safe.


This allows you to set a price for your business, which can later be paid by anyone to buy it from you.
Example: "/bizprice 15000" sets your business's price to $15.000.
The minimum price you can set for the business is the product between its level and 1000.
Example: If you own a business that has level 15, the minimum price you can set is 15 times 1000, which is $15.000.
The maximum price you can set for the business is the product between its level and 200.000
Example: If you own a business that has level 15, the maximum price you can set is 15 times 200.000, which is $3.000.000.
This command gives you the chance to sell your business while being offline. The money goes into your bank account.


It is used to withdraw from the business's safe money collected from the entrance tax.
To see how much money you have stored in your safe, simply use /bizwithdraw, without specifying anything.
If you wish to take some money out of the safe, follow this template: "/bizwithdraw 500", where $500 is amount withdrawn from the safe.
For a successful execution, you must be inside the business and as close as possible to the front door.


This command allows any owner to set the name for their business, which must be a message or some text not over 45 characters in length. Example: "/bizname Bank of Los Santos" sets your business's name to "Bank of Los Santos".


This enables you to set an entrance fee for your business.
Each player that enters the business must pay this fee.
It is successfully executed only if you have chosen an amount between $10 and $180 for a gas station, or between $1 and $100 for other businesses, except for those with a standard fee (uneditable).
Standard-fee businesses are: Pay'n'Sprays, Tunings, Phone Co., The Hospital, Car Colour Co., Towcar Co., House Upgrade Co..


Utilizând această comandă, puteţi seta variaţia preţului armelor din magazinul de arme pe care îl deţineţi.
Comanda funcţionează numai dacă bizul pe care îl deţineţi este un magazin de arme.
Valoarea pe care o puteţi alege este cuprinsă între 50 si 250, însă aceasta nu este suma de bani pe care o primeşte proprietarul bizului, ci doar o constantă care determină variaţia preţului armelor în funcţie de numărul de gloanţe cumpărat.
Dacă valoarea setată prin comanda /bizgunprice este 50, atunci cumpărătorul va plăti doar preţul armei (preţ fix), indiferent de numărul de gloanţe cumpărat. Dacă valoarea setată prin comanda /bizgunprice este mai mare de 50, pana la maxim 250, atunci preţul armelor variază in funcţie de numărul de gloanţe cumpărat.


This command is not dependent on your position, you can use it from anywhere, as long as you are a business owner.
When typed in, the server displays some information about your business:

  • Level of the business.
  • Whether the business is locked.
  • Minimum amount for which the business can be sold.
  • Entrance fee.
  • Total income.

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