Shop:House Interiors

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Versiunea din 8 noiembrie 2015 20:37; autor: SuperSoldier (Discuție | contribuții) (Pagină nouă: = Characteristics = * To purchase a new interior for your home, you have to be outside. * When you sell the house, the interior will reset. * All tenants have to relog.)

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Improve your house and become the best looking neighbour. Our community's (/)shop offers you approximately 40 different types of house interiors that you can purchase for your home.
Note: Learn how to buy gold on our page dedicated to Buying Gold.

Add.png The prices in gold listed below are standard values. It is possible to find cheaper products in-game if you plan on purchasing in a time of discounts.

Price and Validity

  • There are 3 types of packages:
    • Small interior - 1400 Gold - You can choose from 6 interiors of this kind.
    • Medium interior - 2000 Gold - You can choose from 24 interiors of this kind.
    • Big interior - 2600 Gold - You can choose from 10 interiors of this kind.
  • A house interior is permanent, but it is reset to its standard form if the house is sold to another player.


  • To purchase a new interior for your home, you have to be outside.
  • When you sell the house, the interior will reset.
  • All tenants have to relog.

Cum cumperi?

Urmează pașii următori:

  1. Accesați magazinul comunității folosind comanda /shop.
  2. Selectați din lista afișată unul din următoarele iteme:
    1. următorul item: Small house interior - 1400 Gold.
    2. următorul item: Medium house interior - 2000 Gold.
    3. următorul item: Big house interior - 2600 Gold.
  3. Serverul vă va afișa câteva informații despre procesul de schimbare a interiorului locuinței.
  4. După citirea informațiilor, dacă totul este în ordine, apăsați butonul Order.
  5. Imediat după apăsarea butonului Order serverul vă va afișa o listă cu interioarele disponibile. Selectați unul si apăsați Select.
  6. Felicitări! Acum aveți un nou interior pentru casa voastră.

Lista interioarelor

Interioare mici(1400 Gold)

Interior 1

Interior 4

Interior 5

Interior 7

Interior 18

Interior 26

Interioare medii(2000 Gold)

Interior 2

Interior 3

Interior 9

Interior 10

Interior 12

Interior 14

Interior 15

Interior 16

Interior 17

Interior 19

Interior 20

Interior 23

Interior 24

Interior 25

Interior 27

Interior 28

Interior 29

Interior 31

Interior 32

Interior 34

Interior 35

Interior 36

Interior 37

Interior 38

Interioare mari(2600 Gold)

Interior 6

Interior 8

Interior 11

Interior 13

Interior 21

Interior 22

Interior 30

Interior 33

Interior 39

Interior 40