Businesses:Gas Stations
A gas station on the B-Zone RPG servers is a place where you can replenish your vehicle's fuel level.
Players are able to drive only vehicles with enough fuel in the tank.
The B-Zone RPG servers boast 19 gas stations scattered both along the three main cities and in secondary locations.
- A player without a premium account can fill their vehicle's fuel tank to 100%.
- A player with a premium account can fill their vehicle's fuel tank to 150%.
- The business's tax can be set by the owner and can range between $10 and $180. This tax is the fee to refill your fuel.
- This type of business does not have an interior.
- Every gas station is marked on the map with an icon resembling a cargo truck.
Specific Commands
By using this command, every player can fill their vehicle's fuel tank to either 100% (if they don't have a premium account) or 150% (if they have a premium account).
The command can successfully be executed only if you are driving a vehicle and you're close enough to the gas pumps.
Comanda este folosită pentru a umple canistra de combustibil. Canistra va fi umplută doar dacă cel ce foloseşte comanda deţine una.
Orice jucător de pe server poate să-şi cumpere o canistră de combustibil de la un magazin 24/7.
Comanda este executată cu succes numai dacă vă aflaţi destul de aproape de staţia de alimentare, într-un vehicul sau pe jos.
Odata cu execuţia corectă şi cu succes a comenzii, canistra va fi umplută si va avea un volum capabil să umple rezervorul unui vehicul cu 20% combustibil prin comanda /fill, fără a fi necesar să fii într-una dintre stațiile de alimentare.
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