Factions: LS School Instructors
Licenses & General Presentation
LS School Instructors can hand you anytime one of these licenses, for an amount of money mentioned in the rules of the faction:
- Weapon (permit to carry a weapon)
- Materials (you can purchase materials in order to sell weapons or the materials themselves)
- Fishing (permit for fishing)
- Flying (permit for flying an aircraft)
- Sailing (permit for sailing a ship)
Note: The amount of money required for each of these licenses varies based on the level of the candidate.
The faction has at its disposal 2 different types of vehicles:
- Merit - 4 vehicles
- Sultan - 2 vehicles
Specific Commands
Prin executarea comenzii, toate vehiculele neocupate ale facțiunii vor fi respawnate. Comanda este accesibilă de la rang 5 în orice facțiune.
Pentru a vă shimba skinul în funcție de rangul deținut, orice membru al unei facțiuni poate să utilizeze comanda /clothes și numai dacă se află într-un magazin de haine.
Cu ajutorul acestei comenzi toate cele trei școli de instructori pot comunica între ele.
Cu această comandă un instructor începe lecția unui client pentru a-i oferi licența.
Folosind această comandă un instructor oprește lecția unui client.
Un instructor cu cel puțin rang 2 poate să folosească această comandă. Prin folosirea ei, un instructor oferă o anumită licență unui jucător, după susținerea testelor. Exemplu: /givelicense Adi007 Fishing
Useful Links
Roleplay server 1(RPG1)
Apply in School Instructors LS
Members of School Instructors LS
Complaints for School Instructors LS
Activity Reports of School Instructors LS
Logs for School Instructors LS
List of applications for School Instructors LS
Roleplay server 2(RPG2)
Apply in School Instructors LS
Members of School Instructors LS
Complaints for School Instructors LS
Activity Reports of School Instructors LS
Logs for School Instructors LS
List of applications for School Instructors LS
Roleplay server 3(RPG3)
Apply in School Instructors LS
Members of School Instructors LS
Complaints for School Instructors LS
Activity Reports of School Instructors LS
Logs for School Instructors LS
List of applications for School Instructors LS