Factions: SF School Instructors
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All applications must be forwarded in English, as SF School Instructors is mainly a foreign faction. Romanian players may still join, if they know the English language and follow the rule mentioned above. |
The School Instructors is the only type of faction on the servers that handles examinations of the players for the purpose of issuing licenses.
Licenţe & descriere generală
SF School Instructors vă poate înmâna oricare dintre următoarele licenţe contra unei sume de bani fixată prin regulamentul facţiunii respective si pe care toţi instructorii sunt oblicaţi să-l respecte:
- Weapon (puteți deține o armă)
- Materials (puteți achiziționa materiale având ca scop vinderea armelor sau a materialelor procurate)
- Fishing (permite pescuitul legal)
- Flying (permite pilotarea unui avion/elicopter)
- Sailing (permite navigarea unei bărci).
Notă: Suma de bani necesară pentru obţinerea licenţelor de mai sus, diferă in funcţie de nivelul jucătorului aspirant.
In School Instructors there is no time to waste. Here, activity, reliability, and foremost respect for your colleagues, clients and for yourself are what make this faction to always run on moral principles.
Don't get the wrong idea that here everything is tense, on the contrary, everything goes hand in hand.
Weekly we enjoy together a variety of activities within the faction, which are always different and some of the most spectacular.
Useful Links
RPG server 1(RPG1)
Apply in School Instructors SF
Members of School Instructors SF
Complaints for School Instructors SF
Activity Reports of School Instructors SF
Logs for School Instructors SF
List of applications for School Instructors SF
RPG server 2(RPG2)
Apply in School Instructors SF
Members of School Instructors SF
Complaints for School Instructors SF
Activity Reports of School Instructors SF
Logs for School Instructors SF
List of applications for School Instructors SF
RPG server 3(RPG3)
Aplică în School Instructors SF
Membrii School Instructors SF
Reclamaţii School Instructors SF
Rapoarte de activitate School Instructors SF
Loguri School Instructors SF
Lista cu aplicaţii School Instructors SF