Businesses: Arenas
The B-Zone RPG servers host multiple arenas: Paintball Arena, Racing Arena, War Arena, Gun Game Arena, Last Car Standing Arena and PUBG Arena. Within these businesses, players can compete with other players or join events. To enter, you'll have to pay a tax set by the owner (between $1 and $100), but it'll be collected only after the round has started, so you won't need to pay at all if you're alone inside.
Paintball Arena
- It's situated in the Market area, Los Santos, and is marked on the map with an icon resembling image #1.
- It is considered a Safezone.
- A weapon license is required to join.
- After the round's first player enters the arena, a waiting period of 30 seconds starts. During this period, other players may join in and you won't be able to move.
- Following the end of the waiting period, a vote will be held to determine which weapons shall be used. You can vote a match with a single weapon or two weapons. This process takes 30 seconds and each player can only select one option.
- Six types of weapons are available in the Paintball Arena: Deagle, MP5, M4, AK47, Tec-9 and Combat Shotgun.
- Right after the vote is finished, the winner weapon or weapons is announced and a 4-minute match commences.
- Now, in the bottom half of the screen you may notice a scoreboard. The following are displayed on the board: the player in the lead, their kill count and your personal score.
- This personal score is made out of: kills, deaths, streak and longest streak. Streak is the number of players killed without dying and longest streak represents the number of players killed without dying during the entire match.
- At the end of the 4 minutes, a winner will be announced, also the player with the highest streak and your personal score.
- During an active match you can enter the arena and start with a score of zero.
- To leave the arena use /leavepaintball.
Racing Arena
- Este situată în zona Ocean Docks, Los Santos și este marcată pe hartă cu o iconiță ca cea din imaginea #2.
- Reprezintă Safezone.
- Aveți nevoie de permis de conducere pentru a participa.
- De la intrarea primului jucător, începe o perioadă de 30 de secunde pentru a se alătura și alți jucători. Pentru a trece mai departe și a începe cursa, trebuie să fie minim 2 jucători. De asemenea, nu vă veți putea mișca.
- Alte 30 de secunde sunt disponibile pentru votarea unei hărți pe care se va desfășura cursa.
- Apoi, jucătorii trebuie să voteze tipul de mașini cu care vor concura.
- După aceea, fiecare jucător în parte își poate alege mașina și îi poate personaliza culorile. În partea dreapta, există un tabel cu informații despre vehicul, precum numele modelului, viteza și accelerația.
- De asemenea, concurenții pot paria pe ei înșiși. Pentru a face acest lucru, trebuie să apese pe butonul "+" de sub tabelul informativ. Se poate paria pe sume cuprinse între $500 și $5.000, cu un pas de $500. Pentru ca pariul sa fie valid, cel putin doi jucători trebuie să parieze aceeași sumă. La finalul cursei, primul parior care trece linia de sosire (nu trebuie să fie pe poziția 1) va câștiga toți banii puși în joc.
- Aveți 10 minute la dispoziție pentru a trece linia de sosire, altfel, cursa se anulează.
- Pentru a părăsi arena trebuie să coborâți din vehicul.
Maps available for racing
- Desert Drifting - 6 slots
- Stunt-Offroad-Drift Race - 6 slots
- Race for life - 10 slots
- Chilliad Challenge - 10 slots
- Infernal Race - 10 slots
- Wondrous Race - 10 slots
- Off Road Mania - 10 slots
- Dunes Land - 10 slots
- Bavaria Race - 14 slots
- Angel Pine Village - 14 slots
- City Racing - 14 slots
- Grand Prix - 14 slots
- Real Stunt City - 14 slots
- Le Mans - 14 slots
- Steep Hills - 14 slots
- Desert Race - 14 slots
- Urban Crawlers - 14 slots
- Off Road Challenge - 14 slots
- Just Travel - 14 slots
- Climb Rally - 14 slots
- San Fierro Race - 14 slots
- Race to Death - 14 slots
- Drift Racing Funny - 14 slots
- Speed Race - 14 slots
- Forest Drift - 14 slots
- Dakar - 14 slots
- Lucky Pickups - 14 slots (Special map)
- Racing Steel - 20 slots
- Dakar - 26 slots
- Los Santos Race - 30 slots
- Serpent Magic - 40 slots
Cars available for racing
Super Cars
- Buffalo
- Infernus
- Cheetah
- Banshee
- Turismo
- ZR-350
- Bullet
Sport Cars
- Sabre
- Super-GT
- Jester
- Sultan
- Elegy
- Flash
- Euros
- Alpha
- Phoenix
- Stallion
- Comet
- Feltzer
- Windsor
- Voodoo
- Remington
- Slamvan
- Blade
- Tahoma
- Savanna
- Broadway
- Tornado
- Hotring A/B/C
Off Road
- Landstalker
- BF-Injection
- Monster A/B/C
- Sandking
- Bandito
- Huntley
War Arena
- It's situated in the Come-A-Lot area, Las Venturas, and is marked on the map with an icon resembling image #3.
- A driving license and a flying license are required to join.
- As soon as the first player enters the arena, a waiting period of 30 seconds starts.
- Meanwhile, combatants must vote their favorit vehicle: Hunter, Rhino or Hydra.
- After the 30 seconds have passed, the fight commences.
- The goal of the match is to kill as many enemies as possible, but there is no score or top.
- The round lasts 5 minutes.
- To leave the arena use /leavewararena.
Gun Game Arena
- It's situated in the City Hall area, San Fierro, and is marked on the map with an icon similar to image #4.
- A weapon license is needed to join.
- This arena resembles the Gun Game mode in Counter-Strike.
- Besides the entrance fee set by the owner, the business also requires an additional tax ($10 per player) which will be the winner's prize in the end.
- When the first player enters the Arena, a 30-second timer starts, meanwhile players may join.
- Afterwards, you have 30 seconds to vote your favorite map. At the vote's end, the match begins.
- The match lasts maximum 30 minutes and no more than 40 players may compete at the same time.
- To leave a match willingly, use the command /leavegungame.
- When you are killed, you lose a point and when you kill someone with a weapon, you gain a point. The moment you gain 3 points, you advance in rank.
- The game features 15 different weapons: Pistol, SD Pistol, Deagle, Shotgun, Sawnoff Shotgun, Combat Shotgun, UZI, TEC-9, MP5, AK47, M4, Rifle, Sniper, Grenade, Knife. Each of them corresponds, in the given order, to a rank (i.e. rank 1 have a Pistol, rank 2 have an SD Pistol etc.)
- Besides the weapons mentioned above, all players carry a special weapon, a knife.
- When a player kills another person with a knife, they advance one rank, and when someone is killed with a knife, they lose one rank. In both cases, the number of points (positive or negative) is not influenced.
List of maps available for matches
- Deagle - 10 players
- Missile - 10 players
- Money - 10 players
- Quatro - 10 players
- Iceworld - 10 players
- Office - 30 players
- Assault - 30 players
- Ruin - 40 players
- Warehouse - 40 players
- Inferno - 40 players
Last Car Standing Arena
- Can be found near CNN, San Fierro and is marked on the map with an icon just like in image #5.
- It representsSafezone.
- You need a driving license in order to participate.
- When the first player enters the business, a countdown of 30 seconds is started, while other players can join.
- Then the participants can choose the vehicle category and map they want.
- Also, players may bet on themselves. To do so, you must press the "+" button located under the info-table. You can gamble amounts of money ranging from $500 to $5.000, with a bid of $500. For the bet to be validated, at least two players must agree to gamble the same amount. At the end of the race, the first gambler who crosses the finish line (they don't have to finish first) wins all the money.
- Excluding a player from the game is done when he leaves the vehicle or when his vehicle explodes.
- A LCS match lasts for 5 minutes.
- You can leave the arena using /leavelcs.
List of available maps for matches
- Bloodbowl
- Kickstar
- Dirt Track
- Vice Stadium
Vehicle categories available for matches
- Super Cars
- Sport Cars
- Convertibles
- Low Riders
- Hotrings
- Off Road
A complete list of vehicles from each category can be found above at Race Arena.
Specific Commands
Syntax: /enter
This command enables you to take part into one of the arenas' matches. To use it, you have to be near the "i" located in front of the business. For all of the 4 arenas, the entrance fee (and the special tax for the Gun Game Arena) will be collected after the match/race begins.
Note: This command can also be used in other situations, therefore, it's not limited to arenas.