Website:Ban list

De la B-Zone Wiki
Versiunea din 26 septembrie 2016 19:10; autor: AlexCez (Discuție | contribuții)

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Based on which server you are playing on, here you can find the links to the Ban List:

If an account has been banned, it will surely appear in the ban list. The information is presented as a table, every line signifying a punishment. The table is structured as follows:

Banlist example.PNG
  • IP: This is the IP address of the banned account.

The word "Offline" will be displayed if the player was offline when punished.

  • Player: This is the name of the banned account.
  • Admin: This is the name of the admin who gave out the punishment.
  • Time: This is the moment (date and time) of the punishment.
  • Duration: This is the time when the ban expires. If the ban was permanent, the word "Permanent" will be displayed.
  • Reason: This column contains the reason for punishment.

Players who consider they have been punished unjustly can ask for a re-evaluation of the punishment: