Translations:Comenzi uzuale:Case/21/en: Diferență între versiuni

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Linia 4: Linia 4:
The maximum price you can set for the house is the product between its level and 200.000 <br />
The maximum price you can set for the house is the product between its level and 200.000 <br />
''Example: If you own a house that has level 15, the maximum price you can set is 15 times 200.000, which is $3.000.000.''<br />
''Example: If you own a house that has level 15, the maximum price you can set is 15 times 200.000, which is $3.000.000.''<br />
This command gives you the change to sell your home while being offline. The money goes into your bank account.
This command gives you the chance to sell your home while being offline. The money goes into your bank account.

Versiunea curentă din 2 decembrie 2015 01:44

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Definiția mesajului (Comenzi uzuale:Case)
Utilizarea corectă a comenzii va duce la activarea posibilităţii ca un jucător al serverului sa vă cumpere casa în schimbul sumei de bani pe care aţi setat-o. <br>''Exemplu: "/houseprice 15000" va seta preţul casei la $15.000.''<br>
Prețul minim pe care il puteți seta propriei case este reprezentat de produsul dintre nivelul casei și numărul 1.000.<br>
''Exemplu: Dacă deţineţi o casa ce are nivel 15, preţul minim pe care-l puteţi seta este 15 înmulţit cu 1.000, adică $15.000''<br>
Preţul maxim pe care il puteţi seta propriei case este reprezentat de produsul dintre nivelul casei si numărul 200.000.<br>
''Exemplu: Dacă deţineţi o casa ce are nivel 15, preţul maxim pe care-l puteţi seta este 15 înmulţit cu 200.000, adică $3.000.000''<br>
Această comandă vă oferă șansa ca locuința voastră să fie vândută chiar dacă sunteți offline. Banii vor intra în contul vostru bancar.
TraducereaThis allows you to set a price for your home, which can later be paid by anyone to buy it from you. <br /> ''Example: "/houseprice 15000" sets your home's price to $15.000.''<br />
The minimum price you can set for the house is the product between its level and 1000. <br />
''Example: If you own a house that has level 15, the minimum price you can set is 15 times 1000, which is $15.000.'' <br />
The maximum price you can set for the house is the product between its level and 200.000 <br />
''Example: If you own a house that has level 15, the maximum price you can set is 15 times 200.000, which is $3.000.000.''<br />
This command gives you the chance to sell your home while being offline. The money goes into your bank account.

This allows you to set a price for your home, which can later be paid by anyone to buy it from you.
Example: "/houseprice 15000" sets your home's price to $15.000.
The minimum price you can set for the house is the product between its level and 1000.
Example: If you own a house that has level 15, the minimum price you can set is 15 times 1000, which is $15.000.
The maximum price you can set for the house is the product between its level and 200.000
Example: If you own a house that has level 15, the maximum price you can set is 15 times 200.000, which is $3.000.000.
This command gives you the chance to sell your home while being offline. The money goes into your bank account.